At the B1 Centauro they forgot to add additional bolt-on armor under the fenders

I found this video showing that there is additional armor under the fenders, which should be thick enough to prevent even a 50 caliber from piercing the armor.

Here we can clearly see that there is at least 15mm more armor.

How come it was not added in the game?


make a suggestion or make a report at Community Bug Reporting System .
It could be useful to have more mm of armor there. So many times my transmission breaks due to some bullet flying around, or a crew member been killed from .50 cal

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I thought about it too, but I don’t think they will accept YouTube videos.

Anyway, “OTO Melara” manufacturer of the Centauro B1, clearly states that with the armor kits would make Centauro B1 immune to Machine Gun Bullets.

Also, this one in the video is a “Centauro B1 Series III,” I don’t know if the Spanish vehicle (VRCC) and OMAN they added is a “Centauro B1 Series III.” That’s why I made this post before writing a bug report I wanted to ask the Italian community for information

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looking at it, it seems very similar.

give it a try. maybe they could accept it and implement it as a researchable module.

Or you could make a suggestion for a “new vehicle”. maybe a squadron vehicle 👀