ASEAN Founders Ground Sub-Tree

All copy pasted

For the love of god, actually look at the tech tree for once before commenting stupid shit like this.


I still don’t see how that is connecting them militarily (aside from the DPRK/PRC), like most subtrees are based on the connection they have militarily with the country they are in. The only connection i see is both of them being split due to a civil war, however many players (including me) denied Japan for having no military connection so why should this be an exception.

We wouldn’t know until it happens, they can always change their mind. However if Gaijin however decided to split them then it will be their loss for an TT which gained interest for their promising ground tree.

South Korea and Thailand VT-4 should go to Japan. Why? Because I want to see the forum burn 🤣🤣🤣🤣

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I guess Myanmar can do the same, right?

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Most Chinese gamers now want to see VT4 go to Thailand so you know how bad it was made by gaijin - in other words, you have to eat this piece of shit before your beloved 10/TKX. Hahahaha.

For South Korea, they definitely want to go to the American tree the most. But if Gaijin thinks that the United States does not need subtrees, choose between China and Japan, and they will definitely go to China :)

Wrong the leaks say it will go to usa

So I’m just saying “what if”. Also, can you show me the leaked picture?

thank you

Even if it a “what if” there still no way because adding south korean to china it means f15 and f35 to china which will definitely anger the playerbase

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I certainly agree that he will go to the United States. I just wanted to tell you that it is impossible for Korea to go to Japan anyway.



I’m ok with that, I already grind through the Japan rank 1 (medium tank with cardboard armour and cannon round with have lower pen than machine gun) so how bad can it be?

Thats why asean is going to japan

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It is impossible for South Korea to go to Japan. If that logic is correct, then I think it is the same for the first ASEAN to go to China. The reason why South Korea cannot go is because of emotions. The same is true for the first ASEAN.


Bangladesh: Very few actually addable vehicles
Laos+cambodia: Also very few vehicles, maybe 1 or 2 as premiums/event
Korea: United korea is better

Koreas should be united
ASEAN should be added individually
Thailand, indonesia and philipines(maybe to USA) to japan
Malaysia+singapore to china/uk(for malaysia, if only Su-30MKM gets added, to russia, for singapore if only F-15SG gets added to USA)

For those who are planning to,
Please don’t abuse the report system just because i said “Singapore should go to china”

Great to combine with other subtrees then, is it not?

Haven’t looked into their vehicles much, but I do remember it being a few more. For example Laos is an export customer for a very interesting ground launched TY-90 SAM.

But even if there wasn’t anything else, that is a Bangladesh situation where it might as well be added anyways since it doesn’t need much space, might help in unexpected places and brings possible future procurement from these nations to the tree as well.

I also forgot Myanmar in the original message, and keep in mind these are all in addition to Pakistan, and very likely at least North Korea.

I agree, but I also believe if Gaijin won’t do that a combined subtree for China is the next closest to such a tree.
There have already been hints they plan subtrees, and this way they wouldn’t be split.

Depending on the Korean players opinions this might be an alternative to what Chinese players want from Singapore, offering even greater capability to the Chinese tree.

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