ASEAN Founders Aviation Sub-Tree

fine sure i guess, if thats your opinion

my opinion is Japan needs vehicles, Korea is too controversial, ASEAN will do in its place +somewhat makes sense due to ww2

China doesnt need the vehicles, similar to Korea, the controversy for ASEAN countries would be substantial as well, and China can be supported from South Asia and maybe North Korea or Myanmar

considering the options i would go Japan over China (only thai vehicles is not enough i think)


+1!This proposal is still only for aircraft, but it would be great to have suggestions for ground vehicles such as tanks. The Japanese tree is currently looking for tanks rather than aircraft because there are no tanks that can be added already, although there are type11s and type24s coming up, but there are no MBTs that can be added already. So I would be happy if ASEAN comes to Japan in the future for both air and land.


Some say that one part of AESAN should be added to China, but I don’t think it should be, because China has domestic tanks or aircraft that have not yet been added. It is also possible that existing tanks will eventually be strengthened (more likely in China than in Japan, since they have more resources than Japanese tanks lol).

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ASEAN cannot save japan as though some vehicles are unique the whole thing is kinda like controversial copy paste and would just make japan high tier have no point in playing
Korea i belive in a unified TT
Myanmar can go to china for premiums
Singapore ground is another thing but singapore air we don’t need because most of it is copy paste USA
Thailand still can go to japan(and this is coming from a chinese whose grandparents live in thailand)
Malaysia air i can see getting solved in two ways:

  1. Only have Su-30MKM, premium in USSR
  2. Put in china or UK
    Phillipines and indoneisa air just go to japan

I’m not at top tier japan so i may be wrong but i belive thailand, indonesia and phillipines along can improve japan massively

Singapore has distinctive aircraft such as F-15SG and F-16D+, but are they C&P?


to be fair there are a couple unique additions that Myanmar can provide

T-72S, 2K22 tunguska, AML-90, EE-9 Cascavel, and there are also some more unique vehicles like the BTR-3U/4E, or the MT-LBMSh, hell even the prototype MMT-40


So far for singapore the most unique i can find are the F-16D+ and F-15SG and i can find several replacements for any potential TTs singapore can be in:
Israel: F-16D they already have, F-15SG they get a F-15 strike eagle next update anyways
UK: F-16D they can get an eurofighter, F-15SG they are getting a tornado next update
Japan: F-16D they can get the F-2, F-15SG i think the F-15J can also carry AGM-158s or maybe the thai air force JAS39s can also fufil the same role
China: F-16D they can have the J-11B, J-10C or F-CK-1, F-15SG they can have the J-16
Realisticly speaking only F-15SG may need to get added unless i have overlooked something that makes them unique

Would really like that
im changing my comment on myanmmar, still cannot fill much TT holes but can be good premiums


SG F-16C/D/D+ are modified to be able to use Python 4/5s, and is nearly identical to Israeli’s F-16C/D/I specs, with the inclusion and ability to use AGM-65D/G, so it wouldn’t make sense to go to Israel anyway since the aircrafts will be identical.

F-15SG uses different engines (GE-129C) from the F-15I (PW-229) but is also otherwise nearly identical to each other, so Israel has essentially identical aircrafts to receive them which is a lot more copy paste than going to other nations.

The UK can benefit from having F-16s and F-15s, but they already also have other options like India’s Su-30MKI and Eurofighter Typhoons, and also Tornadoes for CAS. Like you said, realistically as well wouldn’t make too much sense.

Idk about integration of AGM-158 to F-15Js but those might as well be insufficent use case for CAS, as well as the F-2As with only LJDAMs as the only CAS weaponry Japan uses. The F-16D/D+ and F-15SG significantly expands upon the options for CAS use, ranging from proper unguided bombs to JDAMs, LJDAMs and guided A2G missiles.

China has more than sufficient domestic aircrafts and A2G weaponry to add so it alone already doesn’t make sense. There’s still J-10C, J-11B, J-15 series, J-16 series, J-20s and J-35s, not to forget Taiwan with F-CK-1 and F-16Vs as well.

In the absolute grand scheme of things, Japan really has nothing left, and while Thailand does fill up some gaps with the likes of F-16As and JAS 39Cs (and soon JAS 39Es), it still rather lacks some options which rest of ASEAN can be added to cover more holes. Japan ground is even worse but this isn’t really the topic for it so I’ll avoid it.


Appreciate the mention!


Japan has a small tree for air especially when it reaches Rank 5 since starting from there, most of the aircraft is just prototype and copy paste. With the topic of ASEAN being added to china makes no sense because most ASEAN countries sees china as a bad country due to it’s doings whether on land, air, and sea. I agree that some countries in the ASEAN deserves to be placed in the chinese tech tree but there’s also some topics about NK being added to china while SK to USA which is also a reasonable suggestion but ASEAN to china is a big No No. Give japan a chance to improve their air tree as this game has now copy past vehicles for each major countries. So that’s a +1 for me.


Well if the Chinese nor Japanese purist wants’ it then it would either go to Israel or Britain like you said.
But then people will moan again because “British mains are claiming the world again” ect.

I think nobody is actually reading whats written on the proposal. ASEAN peeps do not expect that it will immediately be fully implemented like this - its just that this presents a much better expansion future for Japan which doesnt even get new vehicles during major updates anymore since everything has basically been added.

Also this is with the thinking that Thailand would get priority since Thailand is the official subtree. Like the British Tech Tree getting other Commonwealth Vehicles but still making South Africa the priority.


In addition to what has already been said about the F-16D+ and F-15SG; both are unique in their configuration. The F-16D+ (Late) has access to Python-5, possibly MAWS, an improved EW suit and various guided air-to-ground munitions that the F-2 does not have (even if we consider the future Type 12 Kai stealth cruise missile) or that even the JASDF does not use; also consider that the F-15Js do not use these (also lacking TGP capability), these are still “base F-15Cs” and - in the case of the F-15J(M) - not like the USAF’s F-15C MSIPs. The future F-15JSI might be able to use many more different munitions, however it is questionable when this variant of the F-15J will appear, if at all.
(CC @AquaUselessGod )

The Airframes may not be but the Hunter F.74S and A-4SU are also unique to Singapore as well, both containing special / user specific modifications just like F-16D+ and F-15SG or even Israeli A-4s.

I must also add that we have intentionally left out the Thai JAS 39C/D as it’s purely C&P and, in terms of capabilities, offer no better value compared to the other suggested content / options, which are mostly more unique and interesting to see than “another Gripen”.


Oh god finally 😮

IDAF F-16AM would be researchable vehicle after F-16A OCU (SG) and F-5TH

JAS39C Gripen (e) from RTAF after F-5TH ?

But F-5TH, F/A-18D (25X), F-15SG and F-16D Plus incorrect battle rating

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I really do believe that this will be the best way forward for Japan!


honestly I disagree that MiG-29N being premium there, it was equivalent to MiG-29G in stats and secondary weapon roster. I do aware of rumor of it to have RVV-AE integrated but no photographic proof of it being slung on weapon stores until it retired from service.

but I do know there’s a photo of AIM-9L/M integrated on MiG-29N surfaced not long ago, though it is not proven to be used extensively on MiG-29N either


The R-77 aka RVV-AE integration turned out as misinformation. It was planned but never added; in any case only the refueling probe was installed and not worth mentioning electronics and engine overhauls were undertaken as far as we know.

Would be really nice to see this picture if you can find it again.


it was this:

judging from the pylon it is identical to ones on BAe Hawk’s Sidewinder rail
I believe it is around early 2000’s before the major overhaul in 02-04? which had the fleet changed from soviet camo to grey paintscheme


also another Honorable Mentions could be Su-30MK2 for Indonesia (and by extension Vietnam too)

was thinking the idea of moving the heavy fighter under G8N1 line but sadly ASEAN nations don’t have heavy fighters until late 1990s-early 2000s which VPAF started with Su-27SK, buuuttt in case Vietnam is added too then VPAF Su-22 could be on rank 7?