Arras overpowered at 3.0 BR

It gets 2x 138mm guns, 1x 75mm gun…at 3.0 BR.

This isn’t the worst offense, but it alsao gets coastal spawn, which means it will slaughter all coastal boats. The guns fire at 840m/s with HE shells. This is among the highest velocity among all reserve destroyers.


Some vehicles for comparison

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Nah - they are also slow firing and very, very slow traversing.

PT boats are really only vulnerable if they come straight at it with zero deflection.

Plus total lack of automatic cannon of any size - 3.0 is fine


Slow firing cannons are not overpowered in coastal. If you think they are, play the German coastals with 4x88m guns at 2.7 or 2x105mm at 3.3. They just aren’t that good.

They’ll get picked apart by anything with 40mm guns before they can fire more than a couple of times.

If, for the sake of argument, they turn out to be great, are we really going to complain about the French who’ve been absolutely screwed over repeatedly in naval?


The Arras is just one of the few good french coastal ship. That being said you really over estimate it. Yes the 138 one shot coastal but they shoot slowly, are easy to dodge and getting them on target isn’t that simple.


A man complaining about its OP cause the guns are powerful but completely neglected one of those shells is heavy, and 2 are cumbersome to reload. Meanwhile->40mm Bofors aka

  • 1 bomb and it’s dead - in RB you can drop that bomb from a few dozen of meters away and still live, as Arras’es AA guns have basically zero stopping power, allowing for an extremely precise drops.
  • 1 artillery strike and it’s dead. You can kill it without ever moving out of hard cover.
  • 1 torpedo and it’s dead. You can kill it without ever moving out of hard cover.

Arras also has extremely slow turret traverse (one of the slowest of all coastals), forcing her to forcing her to turn the entire ship in order to bring guns to bear, giving you plenty of space to drop torps / maneuver your way away from her.

Also, plenty of BR 3.3 vessels can absolutely murder her without breaking a sweat - that includes Akebono you have given as an example - purely with their guns alone, so pushing her up in a BR would make her an extremely situational vessel.


as already mentioned the firing arc of the guns are very poor. The arras is quite fast for a ship which looks like a small freighter but this causes the ship to heel quite much (like a speedboat!?). The guns can be fired only precise if the heel ended.

Not in AB - it can “tank” a torpedo or bomb in the front and rear sections with little problem at all.

And it is not more vulnerable to artillery than anything else. As has been pointed out it’s actually reasonably speedy for what looks like a cargo ship, so can get out of hte way.

Absolutely - at short ranges anything with any autocannon at all can keep the main guns permanently damaged and never shooting!

The explosive filler matters. Some can be tanked, some cannot. Also, the impact point matters a lot.

I covered it all in Arras - War Thunder Wiki (I wrote vast majority of the content for that article, I’ve got Arras spaded, and played the heck out of her).

She’s larger than most of the boats, making her morel likely to suffer a direct hit, which typically results in an insta-kill. You are correct that you can move out of the way and avoid, but that’s true for anything that goes >40 km/h.


Yes it wasn’t hard to spade .

I think what puts people off it both playing with and against it is that it is a different play style to almost everything else in the game.

Opposing it in a PT boat you might be tempted to go for the easy broadside torpedo kill, only to get obliterated by a single gun it - those zero-deflection shots were easy meat for a long time :)

And using it it looks very limiting with only 2 effective guns with all the problems we’ve discussed - and takes a bit to get used to them - eg you are usually doing more manoeuvring to get guns on target than you do with almost anything else.