Armor problem for top tier

So what? It could mean Explosive Reactive armour
Non Explosive Reactive Armour
Self-Limiting Explosive Reactive Armour only one of those is ERA

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if the armour was accurate then the accurate firepower wouldn’t change much, its just very annoying seeing modern MBTs shoot an APFSDS and it hits with about as much strength as a child throwing a rock

Nera is as you said is non explosive
And I said that it had some kind of era and last time I checked slera has explosives
And era … well it’s call explosive reactive armor for a reason

Nera is non explosive the word explosive would come up

SLERA isnt ERA its closer to NERA

According to who

Again do you want everything to be a lolpen simulator do you want tanks to have zero variety between them and consist solely of

spot target
railgun through the turret cheek into ammo
get railgunned by some other guy 2s after
repeat infinitely

That would be boring did you even play the day after the 292 dropped because that’s all it was

We totally didn’t look at all the secret document leaks over the years

accurate armour on NATO tanks would negate the impotent late cold war-modern artillery

I did, I played the 292 occasionally still because its still quite an overperformer depending on the map
once again would be negated by accurate armour value

All T-series armor was declassified in 1991.

We know that General Dynamics did something with the conventional armor array of SEP2, but we have no proof of what they did.

BVM’s armor is worse than T-80U’s.

There hasnt been a leak on western MBT armour all we have is the swedish trials

This didnt answer anything besides the armour already is accurate

The leak on the Challenger 2 mantlet thickness is probably the most famous legal document leak in video game history.

yes it did. Accurate armour would negate the accurate gun penetration, players are happy because their tank is correctly protected and their guns do what they really can do. No more buggy non penetrations on driver visors or odd ricochets that really shouldn’t cause damage voids either. both sides happy

All tanks have severely weakened mantlets though, mainly to make breaching easier because Gaijin apparently thinks that’s important.

And gun performance has nothing to do with bouncing off drivers ports or weird ricochets, those are a product of the game engine and how it interprets armor. No amount of ammo “buffing” would fix that.

The mantlet isnt the composite armour even if it was given the 400mm nothing would change

Im genuinely concerned do you even play the game? You cant be this dumb the “buggy non pens,drivers port and ricochet angles” have absolutely nothing to do with the armour thickness or accuracy of said armour itself

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this should have been addressed years and years ago. Damage in War thunder is really scuffed and I’m amazed there hasn’t been an overhaul of it

I play too much of this game dude. far far too much

6.4k games no you dont not really especially considering you dont even know what Volumetric is

I smell Challenger 2 mantlet discussion. Obligatory diagram.

How the Challenger 2 Mantlet should be after Remodel. If Gaijin gave a single shit


but in fact i said except t90 and leopard that have a reliable armor the others are so terrible, merkava is the prime example, has way more armor of those 2 tanks combined yet the protection is so poor, now if you believe their 2004 mk4 use the same armor of mk3 ok but even if it was the case it should be more armored than now just for the thickness, the problem is the multiplier of nato tanks wich is extremely low for some reason, some NERA perform decently but others are paper like the composite protections outside most nato tank, if you test the merkava 95mm composite on the sides they get penetrated by 23mm ap round of zsu that have 37mm of pen at 500 meters, im 100% sure that is not possible realistically

I mean on one hand I can’t blame them for not doing it, it would be a massive undertaking especially with how old the engine is.

On the other hand I can blame them since I wouldn’t be surprised if they haven’t even started soleley because it’s not profitable.

Just because they’re the best does not mean they’re well portrayed.

Both are heavily underperforming, the Leopard 2 A7V especially. The Leopard 2 A7V currently arguably has worse turret armour than the M1A2 and Leopard 2A5.

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