Archer in British service - Not to be confused with the self-propelled 17-pdr

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The Swedish-developed Archer artillery system entered British service in 2023. Archer is a thoroughly modern 155 mm artillery system featuring an autoloaded 155 mm L/52 howitzer. While perhaps appearing similar to truck based self-propelled howitzers at first glance, Archer is fully capable of direct fire and possesses a number of features which would make it unique in War Thunder. In British service, Archer features different markings and radio equipment compared to Swedish Archers, but is overall very similar.



The development of Archer commenced in the early 2000s as an ambitious upgrade program for the FH 77B howitzer already in Swedish service. The upgrade of the FH 77B included the fitting of a new longer barrel, an autoloading system, and the howitzer being mounted to an armored articulated hauler manufactured by Volvo. Following a decision to donate 32 AS90s to Ukraine, the United Kingdom was in immediate need of a new artillery system to supplement the remaining AS90s in service. Having originally entered Swedish service in 2016, 14 Archers could be made available for purchase following rapid negotiations. British Archer deliveries commenced in October 2023. Archer is currently in service with the British Army as a stopgap before the delivery of the planned Mobile Fires Platform.

In War Thunder



Archer is armed with an autoloaded 155 mm L/52 howitzer with a high rate of fire and good ballistics. This howitzer and its ammunition is positioned at the rear of the vehicle, entirely separate from the crew of four and engine at the front. This howitzer provides. This is paired with a thermal sight and laser range finder. A unique detail of Archer is that there is no sight fitted coaxially with the howitzer. Instead, it is aimed via the remote weapon station (RWS) fitted on top of the crew can. This RWS features a day camera, thermal sight, and laser range finder. Moreover, it also sports an M2 .50 caliber heavy machine gun in a Protector Nordic remote weapon station which gives Archer good secondary firepower with traverse speed sufficient to engage some air targets. A limitation of Archer is its inability to fire straight forward, but despite the rear position of the armament, the howitzer is capable of traversing 85 degrees to either side and depress.


Perhaps the most visually striking aspect of Archer is that the vehicle is based on an articulated hauler, specifically a Volvo A30E. This means that the vehicle is split in two sections and steering is accomplished by turning the forward and rear sections in relation to one another. While this limits Archer’s top speed, it also allows for high off-road mobility and a small turning circle. In War Thunder, this type of steering would have to be introduced as a new feature. Hopefully, the good off-road performance of articulated haulers compared to conventional trucks would be reflected in Archer’s in-game performance. While slower than a lot of trucks, Archer’s top speed is still fairly good at 70 km/h, although limited by a relatively low power to weight ratio.


Archer would overall be similar to the G6 already in the British tech tree. While it would be somewhat slower and unable fire directly forward, it would have the advantages of featuring a higher rate of fire, a thermal sight, laser range finder, and shells with higher muzzle velocity.

Due to its unique sight arrangement, Archer’s ability to use the gun sight and aim the howitzer could be removed if this weapon station is destroyed as an electronic feature. However, given that War Thunder does not model the effect of damaged sights, this might only disable the thermal sight and laser range finder. While Archer would also be limited by its inability to fire straight forward, its rear armament would allow Archer players to peek around corners without exposing the crew or engine, enabling some unique play styles and gameplay scenarios, at least in Arcade and Realistic Battles where using the barrel as sight is possible.



Primary armament

Caliber: 155 mm

Name: 15,5 cm haub 77B or 15,5 cm ARCHER

Ammunition capacity: 21 shells

Autoloader: Yes

Autoloader: Yes

Rate of fire:

  • Burst (according to BAE): 3 rounds in 20 seconds, equivalent to <6.7 second reload[/floatl]

  • Intensive (according to BAE): 21 rounds in 3 minutes, equivalent to <8.6 second reload[/floatl]

  • According to FMV: 8-9 rounds per minute, equivalent to 6.7-7.5 second reload

Ammunition: Compatible with NATO-standard 155 mm ammunition

Horizontal guidance: ±85°

Vertical guidance: -1° to +70°

Sight: aimed via RWS

Secondary armament (RWS)

Caliber: 12.7 mm

Name: M2 .50 cal in Protector Nordic

Horizontal guidance: 360º

Horizontal rotation speed: 90º /s

Vertical guidance: -20º to +60

Vertical rotation speed: 70º /s

Stabilization: 4 Axis Fully stabilized

Thermal sight: Yes

Laser range finder: Yes


Weight: 34 tonnes

Top speed: 70 km/h

Engine: Volvo D9

Horsepower: 340-338 hp

Drive: 6x6

Maximum steering angles: ±45°


Armor: STANAG Level 2 or STANAG Level 3. Equivalent to protection against 7.62 mm AP ammunition.

Crew: 4



Video showing rate of fire (note that the video features a pre-production Archer, not the final serial model)




BAE Systems. ARCHER. Mobile Howitzer 6x6. Brochure. Via

Artilleri & Luftvärn nr. 4 2007 by Höök Design AB - Issuu

Artilleri & Luftvärn nr. 2 2010 by Höök Design AB - Issuu

Svenska Archer – sätter pilen där det gör som mest ont – Teknikaliteter

Försvarets materielverk. 2014. Ammunitionskatalog Data och bild. Kalmar: Lenanders. 155 mm High Explosive Extended Range - Nammo | Nammo

A30E - Volvo : Volvo Construction Equipment

Världens modernaste artilleri på plats i Ukraina - Försvarsmakten



Awesome suggestion, it might be easier just to say “not to be confused with the Valentine Archer”

alternate title being “Archer: No the other one”


Vehicle’s like this would be great to use as actual artillery instead of the ones used in game. Just sit back and fire at targets on your map. Idk how that would work tho. MLRS’s should work the same. Maybe a Map UI that allows you to fire at locations.

I’d vote yes, but it’s just going to be another VIDAR/PzH 2000 situation.

Other than the fact that it can’t shoot on the move and the gun needs to be deployed?

modern 155mm tank that’s probably going to ruin the day of poor 7.3-8.3s

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+1 Would be nice as a squadron vehicle. I don’t think it’s needed in the tree.

Do you know how many vehicles that are in game that need to be deployed irl?
answer is a bloody lot

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Like which?
99% of vehicles are tanks, armored cars and IFVs.
And I’m sure that almost any SPG we have in the game doesn’t need any preparation time to fire its gun.

almost any modern SPAA, you will notice stilts for firing. Its most notably on any wheeled based spaa or possibly any wheel based high calibre


Well some SPAA certainly like to wobble around when firing.
But that doesn’t mean they can’t fire like that.

I’m not sure about the Archer.
I imagine deploying the gun is part of the firing process.

But maybe I’m wrong and it can fire with the gun still in travel configuration.

Yes, Archer irl needs to deploy, but that goes for very nearly all other self-propelled howitzers in-game. The momentum imposed by an unstabilized long barreled 155 simply transfers too much torque for the turret drive of most SPHs to handle. In War Thunder, the need to deploy stabilizer legs and disengage the travel lock simply doesn’t apply and wouldn’t be an issue. Besides the aforementioned SPHs, the same thing about needing to stop and deploy before firing goes for the FV4005, ZIS-30, ITO 90, VEAK 40, Type 81, etc etc but that obviously isn’t the case in-game