[AOD] Angels of Death

Bump. This is a really great clan filled with awesome ppl to play woth and help level no matter your playstyle

We welcome people of all skills.

Been with AOD since 2017. Great place to relax and have fun with fellow players. This year will be AOD’s 25th year as a gaming community.

Bump! One of the best clans I’ve been in. They’re a great bunch of ppl to play with and hang out with. Its more of a family then a clan

Been playing with this group for two years now, they’ve been a great help when I was getting started playing the game. Also, great conversationalists for those days where all your games are uptiers.

The War Thunder division for AOD was started 11 years ago this month. Event celebrating this will take place on 20th April and will also be streamed on our official stream channel.

Used to be an AOD back in WoT years ago. Just a question, you say in the original post 8+, but later it is mentioned you take new players. My highest br in WT is 7ish, nation GE. Would I still qualify?
Thanks in advance!

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8+ is the account level, which can be reached in a few hours easily. So yeah, I don´t think you have problems falling within requirements in that sense :)

100% Acceptable. We have many players who only play 3.7 to 8.7ish. Lots of fun vehicles in that range.

This clan is a great one for people just getting into the game. Lots of welcoming people and not too intimidating.

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Actively recruiting new players and those who want to acquire squadron vehicles. There’s always someone around if you have any questions.

We are a Casual clan first. Come and join us in the fun!!!

Hello all War Thunder enthusiasts! Summer time is upon us, so there are a lot of activities to do outdoors, but when you want some relax time ingame with other War Thunder players, look us up & come fly / roll / float with us in AOD!

I am entering 3 years with AOD this month. Every time I think about how long I have been here, makes me wish I had discovered and joined it sooner.

Curious about AOD? Come and see us on our discord server ClanAOD.net - Angels of Death.

Did y’all use to run servers on Movie Battles 2 or is that another AOD.

This past June would’ve been my 7th year in AOD. left in 2019.

AOD helped build me up to where i am now.

Great community for new and experienced players.

AOD just Celebrated it’s 25th Anniversary as a gaming community. Still running strong. Supporting many different games. We do now use Discord for voice comms.

I have been part of AOD for almost 4 years now, great clan!

Been in AOD for about 3-4 years now and it’s definitely been a great community!