Anyone else unable to finish a match today?

Getting constant server disconnects today. A lot of them are close to match end, but it’s extremely frustrating. Anyone else?

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got a couple of bad connections one disconnected far enough to throw me out of the game and reboot it

also got something i have not seen before

all of a sudden none of my hits registered as doing anything … they just went clean through and not registered

really cool programming i wish the tax department would hire the naval coders

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That’s also an indication of a bad server connection. I had a lot of that too with zero problems with other internet services or games. The naval servers seem to shit the bed fairly often and I can’t remember it ever happening in ground or air.

yup naval is lucky
it gets the very best new servers and the very best new coders

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Oh yeah, had it happen several times today. And every time it happens it’s another reminder to never buy another naval vehicle. It’s galling to me that I spent any money on naval at all when they don’t even invest enough of their massive earnings to keep the frickin lights on.

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Sounds like you experienced some ghost shells, I experienced this ever so often for the past few years & more often against riverine armoured gunboats but sometimes cruisers.

To which I switch to secondaries & pummel the foes decks in effort to have a shell connected correctly with mixed results.

I remember one incident well & a few other minor incidents, first being on blacksea port in extreme cqc against a Project 68BIS-ZIF in a Baltimore class & a Brooklyn class following behind.

At 5000 metres my main cannons stop registering so I switched to secondary & tertiary batteries & openned up on the Shcherbakov gaining some registered hits.

The following Brooklyn asked what why I was firing with LAA as I closed to just 500 metres of the Shcherbakov, but I whittled away the crew before the Brooklyn eventually sunk it.

Next was more recent & has happened a few times but anything with a 3"/50 Mk. 22 cannon vsing soviet river boats, it’s 50/50 if the shells connect or just pass through.

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