Any tips for playing better when not completely ecstatic?

Specifically ground but air as well, I find myself playing horribly whenever I’m not absolutely top of the world. I don’t even need to be sad, I just can’t play properly - I think I do but clearly somethings wrong because I never get any kills and I always seem to get destroyed. It’s getting rather saddening, anyone have any tips to help?


most important tip, play as part of a team.
Easiest way to do that is by joining an active squad and then team up with 3 others.
It helps a lot if you can talk to these people, as you can coordinate, call out enemies and so on.

You’ll see that you improve over time with their support.

Other than that you might want to check out some of the “How To” plays.
A bit of a hidden gem are the map tips from McKong:

Hope that helps!

Sadly I’m in the land of the Moa and Pavlova so pretty much nobody is on when I am, as it tends to be about midnight in the US or later, where most of my online friends are

I know how to play, I mean, I’ve been playing for nearly 7 years so I’d hope so… my issue is that I just tend to struggle if I’ve had a rough day yk? If I’ve been having a fine day I’ll be getting top 3 in my team rather consistently now.

Thanks for the help though!

Play something that is easier to play. This doesn’t necessarily mean more powerful vehicles or vehicles in which it is easier to get #1 in. Rather, this means vehicles that don’t demand too much focus to succeed with.
Particularly, vehicles that don’t require as fast reaction time. For example, bombers. You can also use more calming play style, like sniping. If you get a horrible map, just 0DL (0 death leave) and wait out the crew lock by doing something else in the meantime. I find playing out matches in horrible maps, in a less than perfect mood, almost always turns out horribly.

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I can teach you how to play air. Im not a ground player. What br ur at in air?

Since you have noticed that your effectiveness is directly related to how you are feeling I would say the best option is too approach the game differently or avoid playing at those times.

What I do when I am not feeling ecstatic about playing is I try things I wouldn’t normally try if I was feeling competitive. For instance, I have very specific paths I use on all the maps and I rarely use different paths when I am playing for kills or wins. But when I know I’m not feeling great about playing I’ll just go explore the map and take any kills that present themselves but I won’t hunt for kills. Sometimes I end up driving without seeing any enemies the whole match…or I get stuck upside down somewhere from trying to see if I could get in an awkward spot xD

Or if you have ‘derp’ tanks that you like but aren’t good at driving go drive those for the sake of driving them. I like boom stick tanks but they are limited in brawling maps so I don’t normally crew them. If I’m bored or whatever I’ll just do a full lineup of ‘derp’ tanks and go troll people. I’ll run things like the M44, the M109 and the M55 together, which actually isn’t a bad line up all things considered.

Sounded like you have hacker issues, here the solution: just report every top 3 players on the list, since Gaijin doesn’t care about those report so they won’t get ban and you can also feel great psychologically. (Just kidding, I only report those who have crazy KD. But the Gaijin doesn’t care about the report part is kind of true)

I know how to play the game, but I’m always free to play with others, I have up to 13.7 air.

Oooh thats a really good idea thank you! I’ll give it a shot!

I absolutely despise those ratty vehicles 🤣 and I actually suck at using them

Ah I see. So does that include reporting everyone who kills me? If I’ve been playing the game for 7 years then I’m clearly more skilled than them; theyre hacking. /s

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Yeah! That it’s! That’s the way! Why blaming yourself when you can just blame others? F the “skill issue”, they definitely hacking LOL

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Best bet is to go and do other things when not feeling it.

No point forcing yourself to play, warthunder isn’t a job and you lose nothing by only playing when you’re in the mood.

I tried to force myself to play every day for battlepass. It made irrationally angry.

Alternatively, if you do wanna game but are just feeling too lazy for high-effort stuff -

Play a vehicle that takes less brain power. For instance, if you usually fly spitfires in ASB - fly a zero for a change when your brain is shot - no wrestling with the plane yet still maintain turnfight focus.

Or inverse.

Fly something that needs you to constantly focus so you don’t daydream and get distracted and get jumped.

Alright thanks everyone!

Well at toptier there’s a simple rule „always go left“ or you will die instantly.
I can teach u how to play better if we play matches together.

I mean up to you man, my discord is noobhead5197

Okay or we can just friend us in wt (I’m not very skilled at low brs air but low brs ground I can teach u too)

Up to you, I’m currently doing 12.7

We can do 13.0?

mm rather not since 14.0 black hole, 13.7 would be fine

Let’s go in personal messages