Any Thinks about Harry Hopkins?

Currently, Harry Hopkins is 2.3BR on all gamemode.
Very fresh British light tank which was added very recently in the last update.

Tied with Crusader II or AMD.35(PAK) and in GAB
or T-80 and Chi-ha Kai in GRB.

I am quite unsure that Harry is a reliable Light tank compared to counterparts in the same BR.

After Test-driving a few matches, Tetrarch or Daimler seems more reliable than Harry.

I am asking merely to fellow British tankers.
What do you think about Harry?
is she reliable? being a solid option? or just DOA?

If you enjoying your Harry now, can you give me some extra tips for her?


Good luck getting this playerbase to care about anything south of 12.0


Good little tank over all.

Overtiered, just compare it to every other 2.3 tank in rank two british and it it doesnt stack up. is objectively worse than every 2.3 in most metrics. The protection map on it also seems glitched. says it cant penetrate its own frontal plate but it clearly can without issue if you simulate a shot.

Goofy ahh little thing. I love it.

In my opinion the Tetrarch Mk.VII is far better, haven’t played the Harry Hopkins yet but I think the Tetrarch Mk.VII holds better stats overall, sadly still missing it’s roadwheels steering.


For those who don’t know, I think this mechanic would improve a lot the gameplay with the Tetrarch Mk.VII, specially in close range maps needing fast repositioning.

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Weak clumsy tank, should have lower BR.

screw it wheres the M151 TOW JEEP :(


Just kidding, kinda. looks like an interesting tank but I still want a TOW jeep so I can be a rat with a car.

cursed ahhh image

been playing it today. if it was 2.0 it would be tremendous. 50 cal proof and such. however its lineup is 2.7 which is uptiers to fight KV1 and T34.

Good tank but implemented strangely

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tetrach is faster at the top end. 90% of the time the hopkins is better because of more smokes, spotting and 50 proof front armour

The most fun vehicle of the update imo, played a few matches and had tons of fun every time.

Good mix of speed, armour and firepower. I was impressed by how well my armour worked, I think the weird angling causes a lot of shells to bounce off, I must have taken 3-4 shots from main guns in my first game and barely took any damage.

I do think it could be 2.0, it dosen’t deserve to see 75 Shermans, but thats more just an issue with the Sherman being undertiered

It is pretty garbo, you are better off just uptiering a tetrarch to 2.3. Its better to have mobility over armor 90% of the time considering you will face shermans and t34’s, only way to reliably kill them is by flanking.

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they got the turning wrong on it, it not a big thing but I just saw that the tank museum in the UK covered it, it steers by turning it wheels


same as tetrach. gaijin cant even model radars properly RN so don’t expect this to be fixed either

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There is no bad feeling for the development team and Gaijin.
Still, considering the development skills of the development team and the mess all around the game, I wonder why the game that should have died earlier has survived way beyond its expected lifespan. :|