Any plans to add the AIM-9L to other high BR F-4 Phantom IIs?

With the addition of AIM-9Ls to the F-4EJ Kai awhile back it made me wonder, is there plans to add AIM-9Ls (AIM-9H to the F-4J) to other Phantoms. I understand if it’s been considered but not implemented due to BR concerns but I’m curious if it’s been considered.

I’m unable to find a source for the F-4K/M however it is implied through people talking about their experience with the UK Phantom IIs that they did have all aspect missiles at the end of their service life (AIM-9L)
TO 1F-4E-1
TO 1F-4G-1

I don’t have the source on hand but yeah FGR2 and F4J(UK) could both get Aim-9Ls.

FG1 didn’t in FAA service but likely did when it transferred to the RAF, but given we have 2 identical airframes, the FG1 could keep the 9Gs and drop to a lower BR instead.


Yeah the one source I found wants to download at 1kb/s so I don’t have it.

Still would be nice to get something more on the Phantom’s because AIM-9Gs really don’t cut it at 12.0 so you’re more reliant on your radar locking so you can fire an AIM-7F or Skyflash.

Yeah, FGR2 Vs Su-27 or F4F ICE is rather insane in those uptiers and the Phantoms being the same BR as the F3 is rather dumb.

FGR2/FG1 at 11.3 in SB just feels a lot more balanced, though I wouldn’t propose such a drop for RB, but something needs to happen.

I’d say 11.7 max for the UK ones, unless they get HMD/S, the F-4J/S in the US tree is ok at 12.0 last time I flew it, HMD/S makes a massive difference with that plane.

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Yeah, never had HMD/S in British service, so either 11.7 or 9Ls is definetly needed. (Or both with FGR2 getting 1 and FG1 the other) which the Junk should get is the difficult question

Some other little buffs needed as well is things like wing tanks and the FGR2 could get AGM-12 Bullpups and potentially Martels.

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To be honest - I don’t think giving the RAF Phantoms 9Ls will turn them into unstoppable monsters at their BR… no harm in trying.

The big elephant in the room is BR decompression as always. It would certainly help the Phantoms (of all types) in particular without breaking the experience for the tiers below.

11.0 - 14.0 remains FAR too tightly compressed given how many jumps in capability (PD radars, high CM counts, Fox-3s, all-aspect IRs, IRCCM, HMD) are packed into just a few BR brackets.