Any ideas how to not lose my sanity while playing?

Any methods or idea on how to not lose my sanity while I’m chat banned? (September 7th-October 7th) please gib advice

Forget that a chat exist.

I’d suggest if you have people you normally play with on a regular basis to switch to some method of voice comms.

Generally I find very few people in GroundRB actually engage in any chat, which is understandable, if they don’t understand English. So when I was chat banned, I didn’t really find any difference.

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I main ARB. 😓

Would you play with me? I’m just looking for some people to play with to not loose my sanity.

How do I since I play ARB mainly… maybe I should go back to Alaska grind…

If you’ve already lost your chat, then chances are you’ve got control issues, and need to sort that out, and that would likely sort out your issue with the chat ban…

But because it’s for an entire month, it’s either not your first time which shows that the prior punishments haven’t worked, or you did something truly serious.


Gesture at the screen like a madman and then scream into a pillow?