Answering your concerns regarding spall liners, MBTs and Aircraft

Since you have nothing but claims it doesnt.

Much better then your miserable empty claims tbh.

Dont forget to kill T90M from every single angle, not just from obvious weakspots.

im seeing the shell pass right trough the ammo, quite frankly the usage of screenshot already its good proof specially if it shows the Xray view on where there shell passed through


Nah just a bad shot clearly /j

obviously he forgot there was a pocket dimension on the spot he shot

Even if i missed the ammo result wouldnt be different because Spall liner absorbed my shell compeletly, if it wasnt the case then either his ammo should’ve cooked off or his crew should’ve been dead.

As you can see T90M is not easily killable and you’re spreading misinformation.

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No no cant you see? He knows better then us therefore that shot was skill issue.

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I see it pass through the armored capsule around the carousel, I don’t see it hit any ammo directly.

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Like you did with your whole 1 screenshot?

Last time I checked I will be collecting proof that I’m 1 shot killing the majority of the T-90Ms I face, so I’ll aim where I see fit.

I’m not going out of my way to possibly change my data because you want that.

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You claimed T90M is easy to one shot if this is the case then other angles shouldnt be problem for you.

Unless you wanna cherrypick and work around your claim of course(which is exactly what you’re aiming).

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The claim I made:

Your direct reply:

So this is the claim I’m collecting proof for. Seems like you are the one trying to get out of it.

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You claimed:

And i provided this is not the case.

İf you’re claiming T90M is very easy to one shot then i will take it as it should be very easy to one shot from every angle.

You put yourself into this situation by not making clear, not me.

But go on try to kill T90M from its lfp with one shot , from back or from driver port and claim that its very easy to do that all the time, im waiting.

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The T90M is feels easy to kill if know the weak spot. I think people feel like it’s weak because it’s of the amount of crew if you kill two then you kill the tank. But the armor and the spall liner goes along way for the survivability. I can one shot the 2A7V but that doesn’t mean it’s weak.

This is the thing. I have never said it was weak. I just called it a very mid tank. It’s not bad, but it’s also far from strong because it has such easily exploitable weaknesses.

Which is why the Ariete, Merkava, Leclercs and probably the Challenger 2s are even below mid.

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Exactly, just because you can one shot something doesnt mean its weak.

What boggles me is that some people claims its a mid tier tank while compeletly ignoring much worse tanks, T90M is far from bein both weak and best tank, its sits at pretty sweet spot i believe.

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This is assuming that there is no category below mid. it’s called mid for a reason, although I maybe should have called it average, which I consider a different word for average.

Anyway I just wasted 2 hours of my life only to find a grand total of 6 T-90Ms that I could take a shot at, all of them died without much trouble. Got extremely triggered by the game so I can’t be bothered to look at the entire 2 hour recording tonight.


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As i expected you purposely targeted obvious weakspot in order make your claim right, surprised? Not even a bit.

By this Logic i can target Leopard2A7,Strv122’s breach, one shot them and can easily call them weak tanks.

Not to mention you didnt even bring any visiual confirmation for those claims which makes it even less reliable.

You obviously dont know how categorizing works, here let me help you:
-Very Good
-Below Average

You’re the one who keeps calling mid tier, not everyone.

Here, this is just one example that shows how surviveable T90M is and how armor and Spall liner actually matters in most cases and lets not forget Spookston is one of the rare players who actually thinks Russian favorism is not real in this game, so take this as grain of salt.


Yes you can one shot a T-90 from a couple angles. Are those angles always practical? Rarely. I’m going to use the SepV2 for this comparison. Who has more practical weak spots? SepV2. It is easy to one shot a SepV2 from most angles. The T-90 got rid of the 100% one shot from the side with spall liner. The T-90 also has better ERA. The armor is superior on the T-90 in pretty much ever way.

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It’s called shot placement. If you just keep shooting the Leclerc turret cheeks and bouncing, does that mean we can call the Leclerc a heavily armored tank compared to other tanks?

Also you said I was lying for saying I one shot T-90Ms most of the time. So here I present you that I indeed do one shot T-90Ms when I eventually finally do meet one.

Sure if you collect data of how often you actually had your sight on a 2A7V and how often you one shot it, I wouldn’t tell you that you are lying, unlike what you do.

Oh don’t worry. I’ll clip the important bits of the 2 hour recording I suffered though today.

Exactly. And mid is often used to describe something that is average or mediocre. I have always used it as a description for average.

Are we watching the same video? Because the majority of the video is either Spookston shooting people in their sides/rear because of his positioning, shooting people in the side/rear by aggresively pushing and flanking and/or just farming US players. And we all know how intelligent the US players were after the update released.

At most I saw like 6-8 meaningful saves by the spall liner, a lot of the stuff he did in the video he would also be able to do in tanks like the Abrams, because when he was flanking (like half of the video) or hull down the better reload and mobility of the Abrams would have been equally strong.

There are also a decent amount of times in the video where he gets 1-2 shot killed the moment a somewhat competent player looks at him.

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Shot placement means you purposely ignore enemy tanks armor which basically means purposely targeting weakspots, as i Said before with this Logic every tank is easy to kill with one shot.

Except you didnt provide any solid data, you just wrote some random Numbers in here and expected us to believe your claims.

İm not the one who’s desperatly trying to prove his points so i have no worries unlike you.

Yet your description doesnt tell the truth considering T90M has features thats puts it above average.

Hmm Yess Us players are very bad therefore this video does not represent the truth excuse.

Was expecting something more original.

Point was how survivable T90M is not how fast it can execute other tanks.

Like how Leo2A7 or Strv122 gets one tapped from time to time? There is always a potantial that you can get one shot but that doesnt mean its a weak or mid vehicle.

Yet all your “proof” was a single screenshot that you somehow think proofs you completely right.

Arguing with random nobodies on the forums is just an easy way to kill time for me, so no worries here.

Also why would I be desperate to proof a point to someone who hasn’t even proven anything themself? I’m just really bored and used this to kill time.

Was it worth my sanity hunting T-90Ms? No, but at least I wasn’t bored.

Ariete AMV is classed terrible.

Challenger 2 BN classed bad.

Merkava Mk.4M, VT-4A1, Leclercs, Challenger 2E and maybe Challenger 3 TD are below average. (Although some can be moved to “bad” as well.)

T-90M, M1A2 and SEPv2 are average.

M1A2 SEP, T-80BVM, ZTZ99A and WZ1001 are all either good or very good (a bit unsure which of the 2).

Type 10 and TKX are very good.

Strv 122A, B PLSS, B+ and 2A7V are OP.

And the survivability is only shown a small amount of times lol. The majority of the video is just him shooting tanks in the side/rear and farming US players.

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