Gaijin knows what the past three updates and patches are and we don’t.
Things are getting more broken as the day goes on. Everyone knows what they are. Will they get fixed?
One that i do not like is sitting in the hanger doing nothing and gaijin is sucking real hard on my ram to the tune of 1.1 gigabytes.
Judging by your previous topics you seem to have a lot of issues with the game that others aren’t really experiencing to that extent.
Some of your issues spontaneously sounds like it might stem from hardware being outside minimum requirements or being old and worn out. May i ask what system specifications you are using to play the game?
I might be completely wrong but hey, worth asking and checking :)
yep i am the problem. i expected to say that. it is a very common response. " i am perfect and you are imperfect. go out and spend $ 5 K on a computer and be like me"
that is what i hear from you.
you already know if you left a battle before it ended you were locked until the battle ended. i tested my tam and it worked fine and when i went back to my vickers mk 11 it worked. so you scambled to fix that. you know for months about the packet losses and your server updates can’t load a battle. you can watch the enemy entre the battle and your team only gets 4 on the field. the updates and patches that have no description are breaking more stuff than nobody knows what they do.
So instead of provading needed and requested information, you have decided to go “drama mode”?
If you are searching for help, please provide needed data.
If not, please stop with this offtopic comments.
well said
I’m trying to help you find the cause of your issues. why that response?
dude shill out
nobody said you have to have a top range pc but check what is running along side warthunder maybe it is a sub program or something that is draining your ram
AND yes I know this new update is bad having nothing but bad connention or connection losses but don’t go off on them they want to help and make things beter and if you can’t handel that well then sart to think about your life choises let me say it so for a free to play game they are doing a hell of a job
bruh, no you arnt. they are literally asking what your pc specs are so that they can tell you if thats the issue, and if not they will try to help you work through it to figure out the problem.
this is what moderators always and they never solve someone’s problems. i read other threads to know this. you just want to say “aha, your computer is so weak you can’t play this game properly”
so why did you make this post then, if you knwe what they were gonna say?
dude my little brother plays this on my old setup with 8 gig ram and a gtx960
so stop with the hardware BS and just give them a answer to there question
you want me to be abused in silence. that is Munchhausen syndrome
People tried to help you, pointing out that it is most likely just a PC issue and therefore are asking for specs, now it’s just going off-topic more and more.
There is no point dragging this further.
Munchausen syndrome is a psychological condition where someone pretends to be ill or deliberately produces symptoms of illness in themselves
really? btw its not abuse they are doing what they are supposed to: HELP
because i am not the one patching all the time.
you don’t understand that i am the benchmark
moderator is right we want to help butt if you ga start like this then well good luck in the future boy and start to learn how to be respectfull