Announcing the Removal of the R2Y2 from Research

Back in the day R2Y2 used to be lower BR. What CAS capacity has been added there? There haven’t been new attacker type aircraft in years. The only good thing have been fixes to Japanese aircraft cannons, most importantly 30mm Type 5. About all those fixes have been thanks to players, but some have not been dealt, like Ki-102 otsu is still lacking bombs and AP rounds.

There have certainly been suggestion for aircraft which could at least partially cover the issue.


Probably once the F-2 is added it’ll be considered

So your proposal for a ”historically plausible” R2Y2 would be to re-make the aircraft as a fast jet bomber, like the Ar-234, if I understand correctly?

Essentially, but it’s @tester188 idea

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Yes, I didn’t mention the suspended armaments as this was about A2A, but the loadouts it gets would be very useful.

The issue is that the Ho-Ri we have and the 5 Ho-Ris that were partially built are NOT even close. The gun was made and did work, 5 Ho-Ri hulls were 50% complete at the end of the war.

So while a real Ho-Ri isn’t out of the cards as it does meet gaijin’s standards, it’s absolutely not what we have in-game.

Mauswaffe already posted the sauce so I won’t double up on it haha

AFAIK there’s no information out there on its maneuverability, but lightly loaded it is quite lightweight with decent wing area. As for speed, the T-1B reaches 827kph at 6000m - it’s actually slower than an F-80A or even He 162. TWR is mediocre as well, at gross weight it’ll be just .27.

Of course it could turn out to be a handling demon, but we don’t know. And its poor armament will make it a challenging jet to use like the Strikemaster, which sits down at 6.3 (and is slower, but also likely much more maneuverable thanks to its straight wings).


except that the Fuji T-1B plane is the weakest version of all Fuji T-1. T-1A and T-1B-10 are faster.

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It is the weakest yes, but that also favors a lower BR where its firepower might not be such a problem. I still want all 3 though.

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One question

Since the R2Y2’s are going to become hidden from research, is there any plans for any new aircraft to take it’s place in the TT either in the form of some Japanese operated aircraft such as the P-2J, T-1, T-33 and/or the XT-4 and/or some ASEAN operated aircraft such as the Filipino operated T-610, S.211 Indonesian operated AT-33, Lim-5/6, Vietnamese operated A-37 Dragonflies and/or even more Thai operated aircraft. Either within the upcoming patch or in future patches?


A better set of striker aircrafts are welcome, one thing Japan lacks.

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This really is a problem that needs addressed sooner rather than later. The Ki-102 NEEDS its bombs. Japan NEEDS more dedicated CAS in the low-mid tier range, and this would be a good fit, if it only had its bombs! The fact that they haven’t gone through the relatively little trouble it would take to implement them, in all its many years of existence in this game, is quite frankly unacceptable.


I mean most of russian navy in game is already paper, unfinished or borrowed from other countrys. If russia only got russian finished ship they would be well uncompetative. I think when it comes to late Axis weapons even unfinished prototypes should be added and kept in game as axis vehicles got their research hard stopped by end of ww2 bombing while allies happly continued their late ww2 vehicles research without any issues.


Agreed, I am sick of japan getting american copy cats or other copys with thai markings while there are so many options that can be added in air and especially ground to fill the gaps and make lineups with japanese vehicles.


Like what? Japan has reached a point where it has almost everything its had IRL. The only stuff its not got IRL ingame is a bunch of very useless trainers, the F-2, the F-15JSI, and the F-35A and B. Theres nothing left domestic unless you want to go into paper stuff. This is the same for ground as well theres almost nothing left to add outside of random prototypes that never made it far

For Japan ground, looking at the Ke-nu, Ho-To, Type 87 turret on Type 61 hull, and STC-1, thats it. Thats literally all that is left for Japan ground for what was actually made by them that would be usable in WT

Dude, what nonsense are you talking about? There are over 140 suggestions about Japanese planes on the forum and over 100 more possible. and you say there are only 10 planes left for Japan. Likewise, there is a lack of mass of vehicles.


90% of the suggestsions i see regarding Japanese planes are of paper project planes, stuff that is not addable to the game

Ki-48 over 2,000 planes, yes, that’s paper. A6M7 over 100 planes, yes, that’s paper. N1K1-Jb over 200 planes, yes it’s a paper plane. and lots of others.


There is only one fake Japanese plane on the forum, the F-14. Each other is a production aircraft (Ki-51,Ki-48,A6M7,M6A1 and others), a full prototype (Ki-64,Ki-60,N1K3-J and others) or an unfinished prototype (Ki-91,N1K5-J and others)


I don’t know how you can really say things like that if you really looked just any suggestion or searched any possible for wt vehicle


Yes, definitely and all of the suggestions that were passed to the devs were paper planes as well