Announcing the Removal of the R2Y2 from Research

R2Y2’s were never real thus were never domestic prototypes. Theres also nothing made by Japan that can reasonably fill the position.The Fuji T-1 has an entire singular .50cal with 250 rounds of ammunition for it, has only 2 mounts for bombs, and only has provisions for Aim-9B but never mounted them in any capacity. The T-4 trainer does not come with real bombs, only target training dummy bombs with no explosives inside them

You are wrong. The Fuji T-1 can carry AIM-9B/E and AAM-1 missiles. And not the Kawasaki T-4, but the XT-4 which has 5 weapon mounts and a double minigun.


I am sad to see these airplanes gone, but glad that I saw the rumors of their removal early enough last year, and had a chance to research them (I have just started the research on the V3, and based on what was announced it looks like I am sure to get it) because I dislike subtrees and don’t really feel like flying the replacement plane.
On the one hand, I understand the theoretical reason why ahistorical planes are banned from the game (”because if they were never built we don’t know how they would have worked, or even if they would have worked, so we can’t create an accurate flight model for them") but on the other hand Gaijin has a very spotty track record when modeling historical vehicles, with proven hisotorical inaccuracies and tweaking the performance of prototypes to match projected/desired stats instead of what was proven to work (or sometimes, not work) by the testing of the prototype itself. Other people who are much more knowledgeable than me have already provided numerous such examples both in this thread, and in the forums in general. So this does make Gaijin’s decision-making look inconsistent and their justification ring hollow.
Also, the removal of these planes also removes a gray zone in which other interesting vehicles (with various levels of “speculativeness”) might have appeared such as the Ki-201, Jet-powered Shinden, or armed R2Y1. Now it is less likely that we will ever see them in game, and more likely that the tech tree will be stuffed with more boring non-Japanese (and non-original) stuff…


Mate, that’s not paper. If only a couple of hulls were built, it would be an incomplete project, with about 50% of all prototypes completed. The same can be applied to the R2Y2 and the Ho-Ri; both are incomplete projects.
Gaijin’sn suggestion rules also reinforce this statement that it is acceptable if it is an incomplete project.

If incomplete projects were fine, we would still have the Coelian and the Panther II and the R2Y2 wouldn’t be hidden as well.

In War Thunder, we want to include vehicles that were complete and built; either in full, in the prototype phase or in the experimental phase. Much like the removed German ground vehicles in 2019

so from the looks of it, the Panther II had a prototype, but for some reason it was removed??

if that is the policy then why not bring it back?

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ah yeah remove unique stuff and line up for your copy-paste slop jets. Y’all need to take the game less serious and have some fun adding stuff for once. Do what IL-2 1946 did back in the day and embrace the weird and unique; the alt historical stuff can fill gaps. I oppose this decision.


No one they wouldn’t. The Koelian was purely wood.
The Panther II only had a functional hull. No turret was built.
The R2Y2 would fall under this since you are replacing the Front with a different nose cone, mounting engines that already exist onto the wings, moving the wires to connect through the wings, and other stuff so you can control the engine from the cockpit. Those are very minor changes.

That is 2 minor alterations to essentially a fully completed aircraft.

The difference between incomplete projects is that what you claim is an incomplete product.
One is essentially Lego pieces. All of the parts were available just not put together.

The other however you’re claiming is completely new parts, a new manufacturing line, and transportation of resources to just one vehicle.

Ex: If the M26 was never completed then it would fall under your category, as it required a completely new manufacturing line, and ammunition depots just for the M26 and its 90mm.

The prototyped Panther 2 ≠ the ingame Panther 2.

The ingame one was a fictional mashup of ideas, barely anything to do with the partially prototyped Panther 2 other than in name.

They could add the more realistic one in the future, but the removed version is never coming back.

In my opinion, as the Ne-330 engines existed before being bombed, and was meant for the R2Y2, there are enough significant parts of the plane built to warrant keeping the V1. Additionally, the R2Y1 was built and flown, so the plane isn’t completely paper.

I propose that players who own the R2Y2 V1-V3 be allowed to keep it as they are, and that Gaijin recreate your R2Y2 torpedo bomber without cannons and put it at a lower BR. (It’s way too high anyway). Players will keep the old V1 and have the new V1 simultaneously, if they have both

That being said, I do recall reading the R2Y1 was meant to carry the Type 3 13.2 mm MGs, am I mistaken?


Thats how it is.

Well yes, obviously, but since I’m asking for a remake of the R2Y2, I had to make it clear

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Best solution is what they’re doing.

Here is your Panther II.

Yes, that’s the partially prototyped one, the one they could potentially add in the future.

The removed one was a fictional mish-mash of ideas, its never coming back.

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Don’t think Gaijin is removing them from people who research or own it. Same reason why some folks still have the Koelian, “Panther II” and 10.5.

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It exists, it fired, it operated in US trials. It also is the real Panther II as the Panther II you’re thinking of never was finished, in a literal sense. As the turret was never built. At all. Which means it does not fall under an incomplete prototype. As i told someone else.

Yes, that’s the partially prototyped one I was talking about.

The ingame one that was removed was the completely fictional one, that’s the one that’s never coming back.

Glad we both know what an incomplete prototype is. It’s honestly tiring needing to repeat to people what it means to cause people to fail to understand that the components need to exist but were simply not mounted for a plethora of reasons.

Anyway in terms of the R2Y2, as everyone else is stating=R2Y2 V1=should remain all of the components existed and were produced. They were just not mounted as the R2Y1 never got mass-produced for it to occur but was ready for it.
V2 and V3 should not.

What? I just explained why the fictional one is never coming back, and you’re repeating it back to me.