Announcing the Removal of the R2Y2 from Research

Show us the hull to prove that it’s the same tank we have in game! (you can’t)

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Not even Ausf. F, Versuchs-Schmalturm 1 and 2 on Ausf. G hulls.


Well, as far as I’m concerned;

Panther F | War Thunder Wiki.

‘No serial production’ just means no full force production of 100-250 vehicles. 8 Hulls and 3 Turrets sure sounds like it existed.

Only the turret. there was never really any hulls made to F service spec. Its as completed as Panther 2 or E100

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Bro just used the War Thunder Wiki as a source…

Even then it says only 3 turrets and 8 hulls, not even specifying if that number includes prototypes and mock ups like bruh.

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Okay, and where did they get that info?

Its safe to assume that this is only mock ups, however if this means vehicles are game to be added we can go crazy with British, french and American additions

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you used the war thunder wiki as a source. the infamously unreliable and full of misinformation website

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I’m going to mimic you okay? “Dude I’m telling you, Big Chungus was it’s own character, look at the wikipedia page!” Me: “Bro wikipedia isn’t a source…” You: “Look at the sources!!!”

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Still waiting for the Emil. By the way, you know in the suggestion section it quiet literally says ‘partial hulls, turrets, and prototypes are allowed and could be added’

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Oh no, Wikipedia has actual sources! What do I do now? Insult him! That always works!

I can tell you grew up or are in a high school with the teachers that say ‘Wikipedia isn’t a source’ when It has its source list which can be used…

Not one of those turrets was finished, the exact number of finished hulls is unknown, but most of them weren’t finished either

Hmmm. Looks like FV215 is on the menu

war thunder wiki isn’t wikipedia

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183 mm cannon 🤤

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“hit” on a BMP

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I, personally, am torn on the removal of the R2Y2s. The removal of what is a unique and old model (If Ahistorical) for aircraft that are similar, if not the same vehicles from their original factions, leaves a very bitter taste in the mouth. I don’t see the addition of Thai Aircraft as a successor in the purviewed bias of seeing them as copy-pasting slop due to the unfortunate circumstance of weapon homogeneity that is shared among multiple Tech Trees when reaching Tier V… and basically the effect of Real World weapons development.

At least, for the interest of allowing new players, and old players who never managed to focus on these vehicles that were removed (Panther II, KT 105, and Coelian/Flak 341), to give them the treatment similar to what they have done to the Ha-Go, FCM 36, OS2U-2/3, La-174, or Maus.

Remove them from the tree, but give us a chance to research them at a set date for them similar to the Maus and La-174 (Set it like the Japan Air Anniversary or the German Military Day as a placeholder), or allow them to be researched when reaching a specific Tier of the tech tree like they did for the OS2U-2/3, Ha-Go, and the FCM 36 (IE: Reach Tier VI or Tier VII for German Ground and Japan Air to be able to research the removed vehicles). That way, it is possible to gatekeep them from everyone who does not want the said vehicles, and yet still give players who want them to research them at their leisure.

I do hope that they can return in the future. Much as I want new vehicles to be added, I am sure that I am not alone in saying that adding vehicles that are considered clones of the original and given a new nation designation as a Subtree is considered as the laziest form of padding a tech tree. Researching, Grinding, and Spading the same vehicle spanned across multiple tech trees is not fun and would lead to resentment.


Panther F, Ho-Ri are real? with a ton of evidential backing? R2Y2 V2 and V3 never existed though the V1 should be allowed to remain.

Panther F only had a couple turrets made and some hulls were used to test some things but nothing more substantial than panther 2 or any other paper vehicles of history.

Ho-Ri never left blueprints and mock ups.

the R2Y saw an early prototype however there wasn’t a jet R2Y that was built, if there’s one to be in WT it would be the R2Y1


Currently 5, I would assume it would drop to 4, but I would like some confirmation. I would appreciate if they let us skip the foldered Sabres, just makes things easier.