Announcing the Removal of the R2Y2 from Research

Would you like to provide any examples of the tanks in question then? Or maybe the real fakes were the lies we spouted along the way…

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Zero need for this when so much of the game is fake already. This is doing something for the sake of doing something and nothing more. Do better please gaijin.


Terrible decision. It is absolutely fine not adding any more vehicles that cross the line of fake for yourselves, but removing players access to vehicles that they could have researched is not a good way of dealing with the situation. Leave them in, and just dont add any more.


Its 2025 and you guys are still gate keeping vehicles from new players. Absolutely piss decision. Especially with all the back lash you get for not bringing back the 3 removed german tanks.


And their copy paste 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Does this mean that one of these vehicles will appear in the next update?


Nope! You’ll get more copy paste American vehicles! We dont do originality here anymore!


Can you link me to the detailed explanation?

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Fake vehicles MUST be removed entirely, just giving players proper compensation (free RP, silver, squadron points or golden eagles wasted on certain vehicles). R2Y2, Tiger 10,5cm, Panther 2, Ho-Ri Prot. and Prod., and I heard some German SPAA are fake too.
And Gaijin still didn’t remove TOG 2’s Great War mod, completely ahistorical. And Santal still doesn’t feature 6x6 wheelbase
And who knows what else

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Replacing unique and interesting vehicles with some copy paste garbage F-84?


gaijin decision making at its finest

Someone pointed me to a successor in the line of attack aircraft for R2Y2?


I must protest this. Gaijin consistently release half finished or completely fake vehicles in naval forces. Not to mention, you tirelessly refuse to even bring another opportunity to research already removed vehicles, making it completely unfair for those unable to have researched it earlier. I was never able to research the removed German tanks because irl situation left me homeless. And I was hoping maybe you guys will bring these type of vehicles back for a limited time event. This is just disappointing. I get it, you want to hold up to a standard. But this isn’t right. You’re removing content future players will never be able to play. It’s unfair, it’s not right. This could all be mended with a limited time event once a year, but we all know you don’t/won’t do that. Please consider; a yearly event for removed vehicle’s. Thank you.


Its already hilarious how huge of a jump 3.7-8.0 is imagine if what comes in that line next is even higher in BR.

Our best bet I guess; ASEAN Lines as Suggested and Supported by many. Can’t think of anything else that could be added atm, even considerding the missing Thai stuff (which is not a lot).


I honestly wouldn’t compare this to the german vehicles (aside from the 105mm tiger 2).
Panther 2 as in game is fiction yes but if corrected there is justification to add tho its just gonna be a panther with some extra armor.
The Coelian could honestly be straight added back in , its more realistic then the ostwind 2.

In either case i just hiding these is bad practice and i think they should be left or all made researchable again just put like a special indicator next to them/ make them a squadron vehicle or obtainable during WT birthday events.


Please stop deleting venicle, we already have solid clones in all development branches. The Thailand branch is not a replacement, as there are all clones that are no different. (I’m sorry, I’m writing through a translator.)

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There is documentation to back up its existence, the gun was being tested in trials, and some claims not just Wikipedia were stating that some prototypes were in development Facepalm. Just cause thereares no pictures doesn’t stop this from being fact.

One more thing.
The Aichi Ha-70
The engines existed, and rumors were intended.

It’s not hard to imagine them strapping them onto it. It’s mostly wire changes and mounts. This is honestly really stupid.
Keep the R2Y2 V1.

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I agree with its future removal.

“the R2Y2 series is that they would be removed when functional replacements became available.”
The status quo is not good enough.
The replacement should be from Japanese aircraft, not Thailand.

There’s still work to be done, so why not do it?
For example, you can add the Ki-201“Karyu”(火龍) as a fighter, and change the Kikka(橘花) into an attacker.