Announcing the Removal of the R2Y2 from Research

Although the removal of these very speculative non armed prototypes is a very good thing, I’ll still be sad that they have to go.

So why doesn’t that apply to say, the Mirage 4000 which was planned to have missile pylons on the centreline?


Mirage 4000 does indeed benefit from this too, having planned radar upgrades and other features: Community Bug Reporting System

If you wish to suggest more, you can submit reports seperatly on those with your information for consideration.

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The Yak-141 benefits from this more.

On one hand you have an aircraft which was given the bare minimum to make it a functional aircraft

On the other you have an aircraft which was given every planned feature for it. Radar, IRST, missiles, countermeasure dispensers and so on. Even stuff like this IRST which isn’t required for the effective operation of the aircraft.

Where is the consistency here?


Can we put the Kronshtadt on the chopping block next?


So Panther II and Tiger II 10.5cm also will be removed? Nice try bro

I would like them being removed at all as well, yes

The Mirage 4000 would have also been fully functional without the radar upgrade and R530D. Indeed it was already in this configuration when it first joined the game.

Sadly this is not a competition about who gets more / less. Your question was why doesn’t get the same benefit, when it very much does.

If you wish to suggest even more for the Mirage 4000, as I said above, you are free to do so via reports.

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As we have outlined quite a few times, due to the nature of naval vessel construction and restraints, ships have different entry standards than tanks and planes.


Indeed, I would say there is no competition when it comes to who gets more in this game )))))


Pulling “Russian bias” here is kinda stupid since top tier Russian air is by far the worst in the game.

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I dont get this call either. If thats the logic they want to run with, then M1A1/2 with DU armor should already be a thing.

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I have a question about PZh2000 and VIDAR. The PZh2000 has confiemed thermal for gunner and VIDAR doesn’t but somehow in WT PZh200 doesn’t have thermal but VIDAR does. Why?

Gaijin pls


You will be missed

Ok, I think it’s a bad decision.

Removing vehicles that have been in game for years is unfair for new players.

War Thunder is a game.
It can support a misstep (i.e.: adding non-historical vehicles to fill some gaps) for gameplay purposes. But removing those doesn’t fix the mistake, it creates an injustice for new players and those who haven’t started playing yet. To be clear: Gajin willingly made a mistake (adding vehicles that were never built) but removing them is going to weigh on the player base, which didn’t do anything wrong.
R2Y2s weren’t exactly replaced: their gameplay isn’t the F-84G gameplay, or the Alpha Jet, which are both… copy/paste. Unique aircrafts (or vehicles in general) are being deleted, to be replaced by copy/pasted ones, that’s sad.

I’m not asking for more blueprint vehicles to be implemented, but deleting vehicles that everyone could play is unfair and should not happen (or shouldn’t have happened).

WT is a game, it’s meant to enjoy things that aren’t 100% historically accurate (the gameplay isn’t), devs have to guess how modern vehicles perform due to secrecy, and so on… claiming that access to R2Y2s’ should be deleted because they are not historical would lead to other vehicles being hidden and gameplay being restricted.

Also, at some point, a dev worked on them and this work will be hidden for new players? That’s sad.


I agree with removing these vehicles for entry level players. But afterwhile these vehicles should become available to players after they reach a certain point.

Either make them available upon the player reaching level 100 on the profile or make it so when reaching the top tier research bonus aircraft in that tech tree you unlock the removed vehicles so you can go back and research them in that tree.

Remove them is you want, but make it so theyre available to players who put the effort to grind for them if they want to.


Big mistake. making tech tree vehicles unavailable to future players, or even ones who play now but just havent grinded the japanese tree is not good


Why can’t we also extend the benefit of lower entry standards to the R2Y2s? There are plenty of constraints as it is with regards to classified documents for many top tier vehicles. There are already plenty of ways in which vehicles are getting added without testing/documentation.

The Kronshtadt aside, what are gaijin’s sources for the penetration of the XM885 round? What are the values for the inputs for the penetration calculator that Gaijin is using? I have not been able to find anything on them other than that they should be as good as M774 which has significantly higher pen.

We can go through this all day long. I just think it’s a bad idea to set these arbitrary standards for removal because you open the door to a plethora of issues with other vehicles. You don’t have to allow paper vehicles when considering their entry, but you should allow them if you have already given them out to players.


This is such a BS reason considering how many other vhehicles basically didnt exist? OH but theyre russian so its ok