Analysis on why the f-16a block 10 is borderline useless for air RB:

Just an observation.

The longer this conversation goes on, the more you pull this from the context and reality of what we were originally discussing. Ziggy thought that the mass of the R-27ER meant that there’s no way it can pull 35Gs or go mach 5+. That’s just a ridiculous unfounded assertion (one of a bountiful field of unfounded opinions he has).

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Yeah, not bad for someone that used it as a bomber-fighter back when they had a skill issue with furball management.

Well, was it a fighter bomber for ARB or GRB? That makes quite the difference

The general topic is air RB.

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Oh man… Wait until you see mine. I think i took the whole “ground pounder” role a bit too far with thunderer wagers

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Where did I say it cannot go mach5 or pull 35Gs?

Find the quote right now.

You are trying to put words in peoples mouth. Why do you lie on a video game forum?
Be a genuine person for once.

Do you need the links again? to learn about physics? If being right is so important to you, why don’t you just study more about physics?

You can literally do this in multiple fighters in full real. This is not clever& its nothing special and GJ already knows this.

At all altitudes? no not likely. You need sources on what the earther atmosphere is ?

… why is it not likely?


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Show me which fighters have no instability at 90+ degrees AoA please, thanks. If it’s not supermaneuverable, or noted already for its’ ease of recovery in post-departure conditions it shouldn’t be doing it in-game. I don’t know of any other than the F-16 that are performing wild maneuvers like this without loss of control.

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Been playing the F-16A (block 10) recently and honestly… crazy. This thing is crazy good for air RB.
Absolute best of the best, there is no better aircraft for this.

laughs in gr7’s hypersonic railguns.

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do i need to use the magic power of “reading” to tell you that is 7 games. Where they have a KD of 0.86.

Presumably they havent spent gold to spade the aircraft, so that seems like a pretty respectable KD and performance for what is a stock aircraft.

you should get glasses or your glasses checked, because the stats you are sharing dont show what you are trying to say

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You are right. However, I played with him during the F1CT. That was before the buffs and barely released. It was a terrible jet at the time. We must be fair.

They completely ruined my experience with the F1C and I never went back. Though its awesome now.

Yes, 7 games… So how would they know it’s the very best?

The magic power of common sense dictates that if you barely have experience and time with anything in life. Chances are high you do not know what you are talking about when you say, “its the very best.”

You are proving Mantis’s point. But you are kind of right in a sense as well.

Saying “it’s the very best” is a broad exaggeration of the facts because many are not happy with how other aircraft cannot perform against the F16A. They F16A is an amazing dogfighter. As it should be. I would say it is the best as well and will be for a patch or two. But only at close quarters, guns only knife fights. In which he has expertise in and is his main concern and why he does not play RB much.

People need to be more specific of what they mean by very best, the game mode etc. Because some will get offended when you say something is the very best not taking into account that it may be terrible or not so good at other tactics, game modes and control settings.

I’ve had little issues dodging any missiles this patch, especially in the F-16 when compared to the heater that is the F-14. Most of my deaths are legitimately pretty stupid so far, crashed into a few mountains on that new map while dogfighting and looking behind me… kinda funny actually.

I’ve got several games in the Netz as well, and I have many many many hours from which to ascertain my preferences as to which I’d fly more often. I’m not the best at the game, that’s for certain… but I have a lot of intuition to go off of when determining which one of these is going to perform the best for me. No need to be so aggressive and angry that someone doesn’t share your opinions.

If you wanted a discussion, that is what the forum is for. If you want everyone to agree with you… well, probably the last place to go for that.

On the IR signature subject. The F14B GE engines have the same IR signature as the F16. They are practically two Barak II engines. It has the flare count to support them. The block 10 does not.

Both the F14B and F16s are drastically lower than the F14A.

That was a demand requirement by the Navy. Additional to the design failures of the TF30, they were also way too bright.
The F14A was so bright that you can see carrier operations at night from over 30 miles away easily giving away the position of the carrier strike group.

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Not only is the F-14B less bright in burner, it has sufficient thrust to do takeoff with certain heavier loads without it. Lot of cool changes to a cool bird.

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I did really well in the F-16A-10 when I played it and do not feel like it performs poorly. This was in the “Apex Predators” patch.

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The new 25 on the B+ is great

Same IR signatures as the early F-16s with the F-100PW-220, sure. The F-14B’s F-110GE-400s are of the same iteration.
Late F-100 and F-110s burn slightly hotter.

It was a VERY compact engine, and heavily unrefined. I forgot exactly, but I belief its spray ring had three stages??

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