An Open Letter Regarding the VT5 Incident: A Display of Sheer Arrogance

What we witness with the VT5 is nothing short of utter arrogance. Snail’s selective “adjustments” to vehicle performance and “cherry-picked” acceptance of historical data are nothing new—anyone familiar with this game could list countless examples. However, the VT5 case stands out as particularly egregious. This time, they didn’t even bother to nitpick details or fabricate excuses to justify their changes. Instead, they chose to outright ignore reality and invent flaws out of thin air.

To begin with, the VT5 is an export-oriented tank with abundant publicly available technical specifications. Yet what do we see in-game? Completely incorrect armor values, an internal structure conjured purely by Snail’s imagination, and even a fictional “basket” added to the model—a structure that doesn’t exist in reality.

What happened when players submitted bug reports highlighting these issues? Every single report was swiftly dismissed with a “Not a Bug” . The irony? Moderators appeared to specifically target VT5-related reports for immediate closure while ignoring others. I won’t name names, but this pattern of behavior feels hauntingly reminiscent of a certain familiar individual, doesn’t it?

When Gaijin refused to give the JH7A its proper payload under the pretext of “balancing low-tier vehicles,” I reluctantly accepted it—at least there was a flimsy gameplay excuse. When Gaijin cited ambiguous video evidence to artificially nerf the J10A’s flight performance (misinterpreting wing oscillation data as grounds to cap speed, this speed only turns your speedometer red in the game), I tolerated the double standards—at least they pretended to consult sources. But this VT5 fiasco? How can you possibly claim ignorance about errors so blatant and systemic? Or is it simply that you no longer care?

Let us not forget: the VT5 is a squadron vehicle. Many players won’t wait three months to development it—they’ll pay real money to unlock it immediately. Is this how Gaijin treats a product people spend actual currency on? By delivering a lazily modeled, factually inaccurate asset and silencing those who point it out? If this isn’t sheer arrogance, what is?




The recent trend of barely researched vehicle additions is driving me insane.
Gaijin is slacking off.
JF-17 still doesn’t have its MAWS. So many bug reports that are affecting gameplay have been left unresolved. Evergreen though they are simple and small fixes. Sometimes even just a number in a file. It would take me 12 seconds to fix one. Imagine how many i could knock down in one work day.

I know models take a lot more time. How ever where is gaijins commitment to accuracy?


The protection level of 35 tons of MBT is even inferior to that of 13 tons of BMP. Deducting 3 tons of main gun weight, there is still at least 9 tons of weight for protection. However, the great gaijin added 9 tons of air to VT5. Gaijin, who are you fooling? Player, Norinco or the government of Bangladesh?


Im with you on this. Its very poor show from gaijin.


Im actually amazed that gaijin has listened to britsh main complaints more than Chinese main complaints this update its a really bad controversy for the Chinese players


TBH War thunder are famous for its realistic (at least part of) and very sadly this time I don’t see any kind of respect on evidence provided from CN players. Those issues just got rejected by adding nab😅

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Also I note that that all relevant information are on a same TV Channel or sth when CN Player doing their protest. Which means that gaijin not even checking official public video as a part of a research when making a vehicle


China number two

gaijin already made a mistake like this sigh.
Puma IFV = 43 tons
T-72 = 41 tons

yet Puma cannot even protect itself from 30mm apfsds lol
eventhough there are images and reports about its armour


russia No.1😅

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Obviously, the VT-5 tank weighs around thirty tons, while the Japanese Type 10 tank in War Thunder exceeds forty tons, yet their armor protection capabilities are vastly different. Both utilize tail-shaft autoloading mechanisms, but the in-game Type 10 and Type 90 tanks lack the massive turret baskets seen in the VT-5’s test server. When players inquire why the Type 10 lacks similar large turret structures to the VT-5, officials consistently reply with “insufficient development capacity” to justify the absence of detailed internal configurations across all vehicle lines in the game. Ironically, this claim of “capacity不足” mirrors real-world contradictions observed in the ongoing intense and outdated confrontations on Earth. Players cynically speculate that such details might only be implemented “on the eve of service termination”—a sentiment fueled by skepticism about the game developer’s priorities. Finally, the question remains: Is Gaijin Entertainment majority-owned by Japanese businessmen?


Clearly, the developers are insulting players by misrepresenting vehicle information and fabricating details. Perhaps for the management team, insulting Chinese players is considered acceptable.