AMX1A1 tips and etc

So , ive just got the amx1a1 pack and im looking for tips to grind with it on air rb…

Also on how to use the guided bombs locking with them.

And what should i bring on air rb to grind more rp per match .

There is an in-game guide for that. Top left, under battles is tutorials. Should be one for guided bombs. Though if you are mostly playing Air RB. Then you are probably better off just using unguided bombs.

Typically the most effecient way to grind is by dropping A2G weapons onto the AI vehicles or bases and then dogfighting. But I dont have the AMX so cant speak specifically for it

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As attack aircraft bring bombs obviously but don’t forget of the MAA-1 Piranha, they don’t have IRCCM but can do some work.

On ground you should consider the whole status of the match. Let’s say your team is losing. Usually the enemy team will focus on bringing vehicles capable to combat other ground vehicles, MBTs in this case, so, less anti aircraft vehicles will appear, this is the chance.

Considering that Ghibli carries guided bombs, you need to use the CCIP in pair to quickly drop the bombs into a target and leave, as you need to be quite close of the target to be effective or high enough.

LITENING II is very effective at long ranges, as you can lock on moving targets instead of just dropping the bombs in a specific place waiting for the target passes by.

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