Amx mmx595

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Description: The AMX project was started when the AMI (Italian Air Force) was looking for a new light strike fighter to replace the old G91R and bomber version of the F104S and ASA. In 1997, Italy was also participating in the Panavia programme for the Tornado with Germany and the United Kingdom, but the AMI asked for a different ground attack aircraft, and aircraft that would be cheaper and smaller compared to the Tornado and could be used alongside it. For this purpose, the AMX (Alenia-Macchi-Experimental) project was created, while Brazil was looking for a new light combat aircraft to replace Aermacchi’s MB326 in 1981. After some discussions and agreements between the two countries, Embraer (a Brazilian aircraft company) joined the project. The first goal of the project was to build a total of 6 prototypes and the initial plans called for a total of 187 aircraft for Italy and 100 for Brazil (a total of 132 aircraft for the Italian Air Force and 56 aircraft for the Brazilian Air Force). Unfortunately, the aircraft was lost after its fifth flight and the pilot, Manrio Quarantelli, died after some time from wounds sustained in the high-speed impact. After this problem, the manufacturer of the engine, the British Rolls-Roice, was forced to rebuild the compressor that was the cause of the previous incident. The project continued until 2005 with the new upgrade ACOL (The second prototype of the B variant, designated with the serial number MMX595, preceded by the MMX594 and followed by the MMX596, MMX597 and then the Brazilians YA -1-4200 and YA -1-4201. It flew for the first time on November 19, 1984 and, with all its prototypes, was the basis for testing all the functions and weapons of the AMX A (the first version). After its history and development, let us now look at its characteristics: It was powered by the Rolls Roice RB 168-807 Spey turbofan engine with a total thrust of 5000 kg, which gave the aircraft a top speed of 1086 km/h, a maximum service ceiling of 13000 metres, a diverse payload with 4 pilons on the wings + two air-to-air positions for the missiles on the side of the wing, 4 dispensers of AN /ALE 40 contromesure capable of carrying 15 flare or 30 chaffs, and it was equipped with the radar FIAR Piointer.

Why it should be in the game: Considering that the Italian attacker line from the F84F to the Tornado is pretty empty, this aircraft with the two serial AMX (the A and the B) can be a good start to fill the line with some more aircraft. Another point that should be take in consideration is that this protoype has a less weapons compared to the serial A (because some weapons were integrated or tested after this prototype) so it can maiby go at a lower br. At the same time, it can be a good option for a squadron or event veichle.


Crew: 1
Length: 13.23 meters
Wingspan: 8.87 m
Wing area: 21.0 m²
Height: 4.55 meters
Empty weight: 14,837 lb (6,730 kg)
Loaded weight: 10,750 kg (23,700 lb)
Max. takeoff weight: 28,660 lb (13,000 kg)
Internal fuel capacity: 3,555l (2,700kg) internal.
External fuel capacity: 2x 1,000l (760kg) in inner wing and 2x 500l (380kg) in outer wing.[45]
Powerplant: 1 × Rolls-Royce Spey 807 turbofan (11,030 lbf, 5,300 kgf)
Maximum speed: 1,086 km/H
Service ceiling: 13,000 m
Rate of climb: 52 m/s
Wing loading: 512 kg/m2
Radar: Fiar Pointer
Contromesures: AN/ALE 40
Range: 3600 km


Air To Air:

AIM9L Sidewinder

Air To Ground:

Mk 83 and MK 82 unguided bombs

SEI Low Drag Bomb

MK 82 Snakeye

CASMU SkyShark

Various Unguided rokects type



The AMX international represents for ganijin an excellent opportunity to implement different variants of a single and unique fighter and to go to fill some gaps in the italy tech-tree. As for the Brazilian version, it wouldn’t be bad as a squadron or premium.


Suggestion passed to the developers for consideration.