AMX-50 (TO90/930) at 8.0? what a joke

imagine 4.0s Autoloader with like 17 rounds or something and pretty good M82 APCBC rounds
sounds cool right?
except it fighting against T-55AM-1, T-62, ZTZ59D1
this thing can’t even fight some MBT at the same Battlerating

no stabilizer, no HEAT or APDS either
Armor is mid/kinda useless
the mobility is pretty good for it’s tank
this thing rarely get downtiered
How is this Balanced?
Oh Flanking right! i forgot about that, bc i got jump by BMD-4 and TAM
“BuT SoMe tAnK aLsO dON’T hAve STAB”
At least it got something to fight the Soviet/Chinese T Series frontally and doesn’t need to get a side shot on them
But this thing some time got a pretty good time in uptiered, well just sometime it also a very good ambush tank too but at 8.0 is kinda bad for this thing (also char 25t)
i want to tell that by looking it in garage and it stats doesn’t mean it gonna be good in real match


I don’t have the amx 50 but I do have the char 25t sure it should be 7.3 max but its not that bad just play the amx 50 like you would with a ebr (1951) no armour and a horrible gun so you have to just hide and camp for kills if you do that you get like 3 kills Minium per game at least that’s how many kills i get with the char 25 most games.

That and the Char25t should both be 7.7.

There is 0 justification for why they should be the same BR as the Obj 906, and 0.3 below the Turm III.

It should be 9.0. The entire 7.7-9.7 bracket is horrifically compressed.


Sure, you’ll have trouble with the mentioned tanks. Now ask yourself this how many tanks can it easily obliterated frontally with the M82 Nuke-round? Leopard 1, AMX-30, OF-40, Cent Mk10 etc.

What i wonder about is that the Somua is at 7.7 all be it slower is better armored, same reload speed and a way better APCBC round with 273mm point blank, also the AMX-30 at the same BR.

I used these three to grind SL and RP for the FRA TT, it worked very well.

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Not having stab and fighting fully stabilized vehicles is just a shitty situation, only way you can offset that is by playing more passively aka camping, that’s why when you are 8.7 and its full downtier is always so much fun except when you are playing French lol


Leopard 1, AMX-30, OF-40, Cent Mk10 yes you can nuking that thing from the front but what about T-62, Type 59 and T-55AM/MD-1 or etc? which right now it gonna be most of the tank you gonna fight in that BR Range not to mentioned that AMX-50 (TOA100) have better pen and having the same reload speed still sitting at 7.7 which that 100mm shell can pen turret cheek of most of the Soviet T-54 and 55 while the M82 can’t even pen the turret cheek of any Russian T-series tank despite being higher BR

also most of the tank gonna be fully stabilized (except for Leopard 1 and Early OF-40)
in BR Range…so they can fire on the move or even take a shot first before we can even get the gun no them

The Centurion has a stabilizer, and the Leopard is overall much more suited for facing higher BR tanks. The AMX-30 is also French, so they will never face eachother.

They’re just outclassed by tanks at their own BR.


T-62 armor profile should be identical to the T-54, if you can kill the 7.7/8.0 T-54s you couldn’t have issues getting through the armor of T-62s. The T-55AM however, has an extra plate on the ufp which provides additional protection which could stop M103’s AP and Conquerer APDS ain’t getting through them either when both vehicles are at the same elevation.

I find the T-62 to be one of the most inferior 8.7s ever when you compare it to other 8.7s

  1. Object 435, 14.5mm hmg, range finder, more turret armor
  2. Object 122MT, slightly bigger main cannon, ATGM secondary, laser range finder
  3. T-55AM-1, composite plates on the cheek, extra armor on the ufp, laser range finder, APHE master race
  4. T-55AMD-1, extra armor on the ufp, laser range finder, APHE master race, hard kill APS to denies ATGMs or rockets spam
  5. T-55M, laser range finder, strongest APFSDS at 8.7, APHE
  6. Chieftain MK3/5, range finder, gun handling is light years ahead

Yeah its kinda a worse Obj 906, but still quite allright.