Which is better the T29 or the T34 both of them are freedom beasts
Better in what way?
aphe>>> ap.
T34 is better tbh
In my experience fighting T29s they are volumetric hell but if you want something really funny with a funnier round choose the T34. Thing feels like you’re sending discord mods at the enemy with the dropoff but its really funny when you hit something with bad armour
The T29 is better, but the T34’s cannon sound is just… so good
They are the same tank just one has a 105 and the other Correct me if I am wrong a 155 or is the 34 the 125?
The T34 is 120mm, idk why but the T29 is 7.0 rather the T34 at 6.7
The T29 is rather good which is why its at 7.0 personally I think the T34 should join it there as that thing shouldn’t be seeing 5.7 tanks xD
Why not?
T34 is worse than T29, considering the reload time and the ammunition, APHE with less than 20-30mm pen is acceptable, and don’t forget it has overpressure, the reload time of T34 is too long…
Slightly better penetration doesn’t compensate better reload and far better one shot performance.
The latter is even more important given that both tanks have longer than average reloads.
T29 by a country mile.
I find the realod for the 105mm being long weird I mean look how much room they have to move in there they should be able to do the 120 fast as well.
whatever has the fastest reload