Does anyone have sources or mentions of good SPAA’s that should be added between 5.0 to 7.0? That’s the only vehicle my 7.0 lineup is missing and it really hurts. Maybe we don’t have any good spaa’s that fit in that BR. I’m sure someone has submitted a suggestion before though.
I believe this would really help 7.0 USA. The 50. Cals on tanks work, but cost too much to spawn in sometimes. Would be nice to have spaa at the BR.
Im guessing this has been suggested before?
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'Merica’s SPAA is CAS. They figured anything that couldn’t be solved by putting a .50 cal on everything, could be solved by the air force.
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That’ll be 10x more SP than an SPAA, please.
Mounts quad 15.2x114mm (.60cal) machine guns, equipped with early tracking radar.

M2 Halftrack/Thunderbolt turret
As the name says, it’s an M2 Halftrack with the Elco “Thunderbolt” turret as seen on PT boats.

Six fitty cals. Chaffee chassis. Full enclosed turret.

M19 SPAA chassis with autoloaded (45rounds/minute) 75mm T22 cannon mounted. Only equipped with HE-VT shells.

Have you suggested these already? It would be awesome to have an SPAA to complete my line up with the t29 and t34
Yup, USA and Sweden could do with some mid-tier spaa.
Tho USA also needs a propper top tier SPAA. Something like the Liberty I using Crotale VT-1 would be a good fit at top tier at the very least.
This would be a great addition!
this would be absolutely cracked
Realistically I think the best option is the M114A2 for 5.3/5.7, it’s super similar to the AMX-10P, R3, SUB-I-II, etc and it actually saw combat and service instead of only being a prototype.

For 6.3 I’d like the M113 1/2 CV which features the 25mm Oerlikon KBA-B, though there are also lots of other options.

For 7.0 there’s a lot of options for prototypes such as the Vigilante (without radar) or the T100, though I like the AIFV because again it’s not a prototype.
Has this been suggested already?
That seems very reasonable considering I get shot down by geopards in some of my 7.0 games.
Brother we have 3 SPAAs before and we get M163 at 7.7 which is okay-ish in comparison to others. What else do you need? I use the first SPAA from time to time (the one with 4 brownings) at 6.7 and it works pretty well against 80% of planes.
I’d like to preferably be in something that doesn’t have either 3/4 of the entire crew completely exposed while right next to ammo that can explode from a single 7.92mm machine gun strafe from a plane or a small bomb that lands nowhere near and still manages to kill me.
The U.S. made a plethora of anti-air vehicles during WW2 and the Cold War that can easily be added right now to fill in huge gaps in their entire SPAA line. Having just .50 cal equipped half-track trucks and dual slow-firing 40mm open-top platforms isn’t going to cut it. At the very least the U.S. should receive a 20mm calibre or fully turret-enclosed SPAA at mid-tier.
Oh yeah overall the US tech tree can totally benifit from a new SPAA around 6.0. Additional armor would be very useful from many situations no doubt in that. What I was trying to say that thanks to browning ammo you can achieve a somewhat success even with 1.7 US SPAA against 6.7 BR
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I think a 20mm gun version has, but I don’t think the 25mm has.
You use the 1.0 to 4.0 SPAAS at 6.7? What’s your K/D in spaas at that BR range?
I use the 4.3 SPAA because that’s the best we got.