American ground

I recently finished the Russian ground tech tree, and for this inferno cannon event, I decided to go back to the American tech tree and unlock the vehicles from the past few updates that I neglected. I’m playing BR 9.3, and it’s absolutely miserable. I’ve tried both arcade and realistic battles and it’s just been one shellacking after another. American ground has never been easy to play, but I can remember generally having fun with them. Not anymore. If anyone has any useful advice they could offer for playing American ground, I would appreciate the help.

I just got the M1128 with the sale and started playing 9.3. I think the rest of my lineup is the m163 and M551 (8.7 and 8.0 I think). Seems with the M1128 I’ve been getting in a lot of uptiered games (reds at 10.3). Haven’t been doing too terribly though. In arcade…

Play 9.0, you’ll know what is really good.

There’s your issue. You’re playing a 9.3 vehicle, the M1128, without a full 9.3 lineup.

I’m not complaining… Using the M1128 Wolfpack with it’s 700% RP bonus to get vehicles and crew points faster… Was taking forever with the M551 and M163…