Please use a different topic if you guys want to talk about thermals on tanks… It goes without saying that this post is about the F-15E.
YO have you heard anything from the devs about this topic?
I don’t have connections with the devs.
do you know someone who does? its just been crickets about this issue
I, personally, would simply wait until the update drops and then see where things go from there.
I watched your video
I’ll take the opportunity to remind that it’s for the best of the topic to keep it clean. I’ve already deleted a few messages because of profanities, inciting protests and other guidelines breaches.
well I’m afraid that by then it could be too late to have anything done about this. this is one of the larger complaints and there is likely a reason we havent heard anything about this.
There’s no reason for it to be “late”.
We are more likely to have it changed before it goes to the live server, if it does it is less likely to be changed
well apparently it was too late for the flanker. im just saying the devs have a tendency to stop hearing popular opinion after the update drops unless somehow it is made into a massive headache for them. that flight model literally accelerates faster with its airbrake out at low speeds, yet nothing has changed since the dev server
In some of the previous updates some of the people (I guess CMs and devs) wrote an article after the dev server closed that adressed some of the bigger concern/feedback points from the community about the dev server.
I hope they write one for this update too, because I really liked the communication given through these articles.
I hope so
I don’t know if I’d hold my breath on this topic being talked about other than we decided and that’s that
based on their reasoning given in the dev stream i tend to agree
If the devs had made a post and said we have heard your complaints and are testing the F-15E receiving the 229 engines and will have more information soon I’d feel a little better about this.
They could even lie about testing it and i wouldnt mind. They could at least pretend to care
I just want a reasonable answer other than “balance komrade”. The biggest one for me is if you ignore the skin it has the F-15E we have has the side intake scoops the were prevalent on the 229 powered ones whereas the 220 powered ones had little flap doors.
*A minor nation got a better version of OUR vehicle, we have a reason to be upset
And it isn’t like we improved it for Israel, we improved for our own use first