AMD-35 problems

Hello everyone,

I would like to report some bugs/problems with the AMD-35 (French Reserve armored car).

  1. Crew member for using the coaxial MG is set on loader. There is a problem here : the coaxial MG is in front of gunner :

It should be the gunner to man the coaxial MG.

  1. When loader is killed in the turret, he is NOT replaced by the commander (in fact the secondary driver at the rear of the vehicle). Maybe it’s because the “commander” has a role of secondary driver ?
    In fact, roles in AMD-35 are not historically and technically accurate, except for the driver.
    In WT, turret is occupied by gunner left of the 25mm and loader right of the gun, and commander at the rear of the vehicle. In fact, the gunner is also the loader left of the gun, commander is IN the turret right of the gun, and the rear position is occupied by radio/rear driver/secondary loader.
    Turret positions in AMD-35 should be like BA-11 soviet armored car : Gunner with loader role + Commander.

I don’t understand why in AMD-35 the rear position is “Commander”. In Sdkfz.234/2 (similar position with rear driver, 2-men turret), the rear position is set as “Machinegunner” but has no MG to serve.

  1. Why AMD-35 can’t use reco to detect enemy vehicles ? AMD-35 is a recon vehicle (AMD = AutoMitralleuse de Découverte, meaning “Discovery Armored Car” or “Recon Armored Car”) and has a radio.
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No rank 1s are allowed to have scouting.