Altay for Italy

The Italian tree already has a number of Turkish vehicles. T-129, T-120P and f-104S TAF. Could the Altay also be added. It would help Italy at top tier, as the Arietes are very lacking leaving the Leopard 2A7hu all alone.


How much more do you need?

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the what?

Also, if Turkey comes to Italy again it’d likely be a premium. There are 3 Turkish vehicles in game, two are Italian premiums (F-104S TAF + T-129) and one is an event for America (M60 AMBT). I’d love it if Turkey got its own tree, or was part of a United Korean tree due to their relationship w/ South Korea.

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Let’s be honest, if want to rebrand the E-MBT-2017 just add to Germany and France.

I don’t think Italy should recieve Turkish vehicles, since it houses Romania, Hungary, does it needs more?

National vehicles like the Centauro II should be more welcome.

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One is a joint development. Other is outright Italian.

Neither justifies Altay for Italy.

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The Italian tree already has a number of Turkish vehicles. T-129, T-120P and f-104S TAF

  • States that Italy has many Turkish vehicles
  • Only gives 3 examples since that is the total number of 3 Turkish vehicles in the Italian TT
  • Ignores the M60 AMBT in the US TT
  • The 3 Turkish vehicles in question are all Italian designs or derivates of Italian designs i.e not unique Turkish designs

By the Logic you set up the Altay and Turkish vehicles in general have just as much of a claim if not more of a claim to be in the German TT (Turkey uses a lot of German vehicles the Leopard family of MBT’s is the most well example of them), Israeli TT (A lot of Turkey’s older MBT’s particularly their Patton’s were originally co-upgraded by Israeli defense firms) and the US TT (Self Explanatory). This also overlooks the sentiment of the Turkish playerbase which the Turkish playerbase are overwhelmingly against Turkey being a subtree of any nations let alone the 3 that I previously stated or even the Italian TT.

Also no Italy and the Hungarian Leopard 2A7 aren’t helpless since the Italians alongside the Hungarians are getting the KF51 Panther as well as an LT based on the Marder and KF41 hull. That’s not discounting the fact that there’s a real chance that Italy could get a Romanian M1A2 as well.

One other thing is that the Altay has little to nothing in common with Italy development wise, the Altay MBT’s has way more things in common with South Korea than with Italy in that regards

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You already have a Hungarian subtree and Romanian subtree/nation placement. You can have all Turkish vehicles and Brazilian vehicles on top of that, especially when it has no Italian involvement whatsoever.
As stated by Smin, you can only have 2 Subtrees due to the space it takes up on the screen.

Turkey deserves to be its own independent TT anyway.

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Reminder that export vehicles don’t make a sub tree.
If that were the case then Turkiye would be an American subtree- the first Turkish vehicle was the AMBT, this is also the only Turkish ground vehicle, and by that logic the Altay would also go to the US (bad idea).