Alt tabbing issues

I noticed that alt tabbing was causing the game to randomly freeze and then eventually unfreeze. I spammed it to see how often it happened. This then cause a critical error with DX12 which crashed my entire PC.

Has this happened to anyone else?


iโ€™m having the alt-tabbing issue too when frequently alt-tabbing, alt-tabbing again usually fixes it for me.

Seems like an old issue they have made worse.

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I wonder why you guys are alt+tabbing. Playing games in school huh?

Watching a stream in the background, running a stream, stuff like that.

To look at other tabs and things, its something people on PC do a lot.

people have multiple monitor sometimes

Ohโ€ฆI guess I am too broke to know that rn.

Like watching Youtube, ect right? I mean I misc licked once in Air RB taking off, trying to pause a yt vid, and it glichted, and I shot up my mate in front of me in AIR RB. He was so mad bro.

Canโ€™t even tab to a discord message on my second monitor while sitting on the runway. How much more broken can this be?

This bug will not be fixed anytime soon.

same thing, game insta crashing

I have a suspision that Warthunder has been perfomring badly since the new update. I mean in my house I never lagged, but I am lagging a lot since the update.