“Alpha Strike” Update trailer

Do you have any sources on the Alpha Jet carrying AIM-9Bs?

If they copy and paste for Italy, we don’t want them. We want Hungarian domestically produced planes or modified German planes, copy and paste is simply lazy behaviour.

Italy is now a dump of copy and paste vehicles I don’t understand why they insist on ignoring all the unique vehicle suggestions we give them in the forum.

You have no evidence that domestic equipment is being ignored.

What is the French alpha jet that is going to be used tho ? The E, trainer variant that I don’t think actually ever carried live weapons, or the Alpha Jet 2 with a better engine, and French Super étendard derived avionics, that was a CAS concept that never got built ? None of those answer would be realistic, so I guess both would be as likely

Most likely the E

Thank you for the Link.

I think we can all calm down a bit. Hopefully after the dev stream there will be clarity regarding Alpha Jet versions.

Britain stuck with 5.3 SPAAs that need to take you through to 8.3, but yes Russia apparently needs another one, unless this one is for Hungarian tree?

I think you have a spelling error in the title.
It clearly needs to be “Preorder Strike” Update trailer

German Alpha Jet is going to be 9.0 and sadly no Countermeasures. Not really true to the original…

when is dev server?


DEV Server starts today

Wtf? I never said that, i even explicitly said BRs should be mostly the same, they should simply split the tech trees to not force people who want to play modern jets to grind props. That way those people immediately start playing planes they like while people like me that would prefer to play props won’t have to deal with people that play props only for grinding, and are almost always the ones that AF camp and constantly try to suicide head on you.

hey gaijin,
I have always loved helicopters, mostly because my great uncle flew a medial heli in vietnam. I would love to see the heli game modes altered and the rewards boosted as it takes way too long even with a premium heli. I played for 45 minutes in the ah64a premium and got 30k rp. meaning i would need to do that 10 times for a helicopter. This is a video I have seen and I think that something like this would make them a lot more fun to play I would also like to see the ah1z get its better hellfires and maybe eventhough it didnt get them giving the mh60 spikes like the Israeli one.


Great video, thanks for sharing!

Very interesting suggestion :)


Italy has been completely ignored with this update they have not added any new vehicles for Italy, only the grand ungeresi copy and paste and the copy and paste Centauro 120

5 $70+ dollar premium vehicles introduced this patch and we get a slightly redesigned map, thank you Gaijin very cool.


AGM-65G and 65H would disagree.
And no, the Centauro RGO is not a Centauro I 120.
I 120 has commander thermals, multiple tons lighter…

What do the Hungarian units have to do with the Italian section with means never had in our army?

where is the Argentine alpha jet “Pampa III” ? would have been a great for variety

Where is argentina? Would have been great if it was not a simple copy-pasta to german TT.

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