Alpha jet WTD 61

@Godvana feel like helping?
got some interesting stuff here

i think @someweirdname was an alpha jet enthusiast with lots of info as well, he visited the dornier mueseum thingy

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Well I’d be happy to have him.
I got enough info about tested weapons to warrant a new aircraft lol.

You’ve covered all the bases I think xD

I will say that this thing:


Goes into the back seat and includes a RWR, the same one as found on the F-104S.ASA (EL-70/EL-73)


These are actually the antennas for the RWR


If there are two antennas… does that mean the pilot may have had a way to differentiate between radar from above and radar from below?

Because last i read it was an audio only RWR…

Nope, it’s just if either of them picked up a radar signal it would beep. The German F-104Gs also had a light in the cockpit that would flash.

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In game theyre given a full RWR though iirc…

Yeah, that’s a historical error, its been reported.

:crying face emoji:
So i lose my directional RWR on the widow maker???

Yep, the F-104G (German and Italian) and F-104S should all have the same RWR as the F-104S.ASA.

The Japanese F-104Js have their own RWR but I don’t know much about it.

The Chinese F-104G should have no RWR.

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Although I will say that the F-104Gs should also have EEGS and an IRST system (you can see it in front of the cockpit). The German one should also have AIM-9Ls.

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EEGS and IRST i want but i can live without 9Ls cuz br issues…

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Eh, I would take 9Ls in exchange for it going to 11.0. The German F-104Gs should also have way more CAS options, and AS.34s.

F-104G AS.34 3


Ok, now u got me hooked…
How about suggesting an F-104G late?

Also, was it AS.34 or AS.30?
oh yeah, i remember they could also take the kormorans…

It might make more sense to make a suggestion for an early version (as introduced to service)

These would have no flares, no RWR, AIM-9Bs, worse air-to-ground options, and a weaker engine. Would probably be 9.7.

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found this although not exactly a manual level source:

(dont mind the ES suffix, it is talking about the F-104G)

and another article kind of giving the 104 legendary status lol:

Yeah I have seen it before ^^ is a really great site.

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i wonder if the germans ever had this?

idk abt u guys but imma try my luck with the MAKO
