Alpha jet WTD 61

Late variant from WTD 61:


SNECMA Turbomeca Larzac 04-C20

Community Bug Reporting System


CVR-7 rockets

CVR-7 rockets trialled



Short range stand off missile (SR-SOM)


BAP 100

BAT 120

Other armament information


Other changes
  • Inclusion of RWR and ECM

  • The alpha jet in WTD 61 probably received MFDs as well because otherwise the IR guided AGM could not have been tested without at least some sort of display for the pilot.


@Godvana feel like helping?
got some interesting stuff here

i think @someweirdname was an alpha jet enthusiast with lots of info as well, he visited the dornier mueseum thingy

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Well I’d be happy to have him.
I got enough info about tested weapons to warrant a new aircraft lol.

You’ve covered all the bases I think xD

I will say that this thing:


Goes into the back seat and includes a RWR, the same one as found on the F-104S.ASA (EL-70/EL-73)


These are actually the antennas for the RWR


If there are two antennas… does that mean the pilot may have had a way to differentiate between radar from above and radar from below?

Because last i read it was an audio only RWR…

Nope, it’s just if either of them picked up a radar signal it would beep. The German F-104Gs also had a light in the cockpit that would flash.

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In game theyre given a full RWR though iirc…

Yeah, that’s a historical error, its been reported.

:crying face emoji:
So i lose my directional RWR on the widow maker???

Yep, the F-104G (German and Italian) and F-104S should all have the same RWR as the F-104S.ASA.

The Japanese F-104Js have their own RWR but I don’t know much about it.

The Chinese F-104G should have no RWR.

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Although I will say that the F-104Gs should also have EEGS and an IRST system (you can see it in front of the cockpit). The German one should also have AIM-9Ls.

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EEGS and IRST i want but i can live without 9Ls cuz br issues…

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Eh, I would take 9Ls in exchange for it going to 11.0. The German F-104Gs should also have way more CAS options, and AS.34s.

F-104G AS.34 3


Ok, now u got me hooked…
How about suggesting an F-104G late?

Also, was it AS.34 or AS.30?
oh yeah, i remember they could also take the kormorans…

It might make more sense to make a suggestion for an early version (as introduced to service)

These would have no flares, no RWR, AIM-9Bs, worse air-to-ground options, and a weaker engine. Would probably be 9.7.

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found this although not exactly a manual level source:

(dont mind the ES suffix, it is talking about the F-104G)

and another article kind of giving the 104 legendary status lol:

Yeah I have seen it before ^^ is a really great site.

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i wonder if the germans ever had this?