Alpha Jet A & E: Alpha Strike!

Nah, they were from German stocks.

It is comparable to the 2PL, so 11.3


Not this patch though

nope, was delayed. prob realized how many premiums they already dumped on us

Gonna be trash anyways.
Base 2A4 armor with some composite screens?
The 2PLs turret at least has solid composite blocks that make it somewhat viable.
2A4M CAN would have 500mm KE turret at the VERY very best and the terrible 2A4 hull on top.

wat? 2A4M CAN uses an addon made by KMW similar to Rheinmetalls AMAP
thats more armor than the 2PL overall.

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U sure?
I thought the wedges were hollow.
If not that’s at least ok turret armor but the huge mantlet and optics weakspot will remain.

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I also asked myself what the Tornado qualifies for its current BR. Its so underwhelming in Air RB and Ground RB.

The shop Tornado has just unguided dumb bombs, 2 guns and two AAMs. BR 11.0? Where other jets easily sport Mavericks, AS-30L, TV guided bombs and other F&F weapons of soviet type? What is it supposed to be used for? For Ground RB its hot garbage and for Air RB base busting its too slow. Others always snatch all the bases. And check how much this one costs…rediculus.

The Event Marine Tornado is literally the same as above, just with the additional option to mount anti-ship missiles. They can’t lock ground targets, except these big pillboxes. So this feature currently serves almost no purpose. Just very few Air RB maps have NPC ships and killing those is not rewarding. Also its easier to kill them with bombs. Komorans do just little damage, somehow. For Ground RB same as above, totally pointless.

The Assta1 Tornado is as useless in Air RB as the ones above. Too slow to reach a base before competitors usually do. In Air RB it got at least GBU’s. However, at its BR you face Pantsirs and other sophisticated anti air systems. So its very hard to use. Locking a target, holding the lock for minutes until the bomb connects. When you maneuver too much, you lose the arc the the lock breaks, the bomb goes nuts… seriously no way to use this in a consistent way. Just for edge cases useful. Other jets at 11.3 have all sorts of Fire and Forget ordnance, which is what you’d need here.

So my pick would be: Shop Tornado should be 10.3 for just having free fall bombs. At this BR its more likely you make it first to bomb a base. Also lower the price, this thing is the definition of beeing incapable. Same for the Marine Tornado, since the Komoran missiles are just an useless feature. The Assta Tornado with GBUs could be 10.7 … so you won’t face Pantsirs every ground match …so you could actually approach the battlefield to use the GBU.


Mirage F.1C200 doesn’t have much better A2G payload than dumb bombs as well at 11.3 (i do not count for Jaguar E or Mirage 2000CS4 event aircrafts)

Yet i would finally be useful in Air-Air situation, it’s still not the top dog out there.

Dunno. The russian Suchoi with these F&F a2g missiles as well as the F-4F with Mavericks are more useful in GRB. These weapons usually work. You set a POI on the enemy spawn, lock enemy AA units. You shot them from far out and bank away. You won’t get hit and one hit kills enemy AA units. Then you’re free to use dumb bombs to get even more kills.

Unlike the Tornados, which just have dumb bombs or this useless GBU from the start. Capability wise it doesn’t add up. For WT Tornados aren’t very useful, they just lack F&F ordnance. Without they’re just not Ground RB ready at this BR.

At least you have a GBU…

But anyway,… point is that the game is compressed,… over and over.

Honestly I feel like it could go lower. It’s not going to put out against a MiG-21 or an F-104 in speed or maneuverability lol.

They just added the Tornado a year too late. The GBU would have been great top tier material as all the other GBU slingers were around and this kind of system was fotm for a year. It also could have been intoduced at a lower rank, cause this is definetly no top ranking jet. Not air to ground and nor air to air wise. instead it was introduced as the Air to Ground meta already moved to F&F weapons (TV guided bombs, Mavericks etc) and the GBU mechanic became increasingly difficult to employ in GRB (Pantsirs, contrail visibility etc).

The Israeli A-4s at 8.7 that carry fire and forget guided are also both A-4Es, so exactly what I said.

MCLOS is fair to come in earlier than fire and forget, since 1) they have less effective range unless you have eyeballs mk.3 and amazing ingame depth perception (at which point its a skill reward), and 2) you’ll fly straight while guiding them in, giving radar SPAA a chance to shred you (or use them as unguided rockets).

CCIP is indeed great but comes with similar range problems as MCLOS; if you can lob even a 1000 pounder from the SAAB-105s to kill a SPAA from >3km, that’s a skill reward imo, and also means the SPAA stood still for pretty much half a minute.

The thing with even just walleyes is that you can more accurately lob them in from further away, without needing to be even as precise as a CCIP drop, since the bomb will easily do minor corrections to hit the exact desired spot. And if you do get closer, you can properly lock onto the SPAA itself instead of the ground under it and there’s no way for it to dodge without hard cover or popping smoke before you even hear a bomb coming your way.

I prefer CCIP too but it’s annoying seeing A-4Es at the edge of your effective range in a radar SPAA and the only thing you can do about it is go behind hard cover or deploy smoke, in both cases you can’t fight back.

And lastly… it’s fair to bump up SAAB-105s and A32s in ground battles too. I never got why the A32 got it’s BR reduced from 9.3 to 9.0 to begin with. are there any other 8.7-9.0s with CCIP except for the A32s?

Nothing does.
Even with AIM-9L/i it would be meh, especially since it’s basically useless in GRB now because there is usually cloud cover and ofc Pantsir etc.

11.0 for the premium and MFG is just an insult honestly.

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Mirage2kD-R1 is not only a vastly superior plattform, but also gets AS-30L nords and Magic 2s, while also being 11.3.

Cause A32A is just a Mig-17 with bombs…

For air battles, maybe (though I vastly prefer the A32As guns)
in ground battles, the 3x 600kg CCIP bombs and chaff dispensers that can throw off radar SPAA make a huge difference. 2-3 pops break any radar lock at 9.3 and below.
though to be fair there is no 9.0 ground lineup for sweden so you use it at 9.3 anyway, I guess

Not many things are still using radar that also lack proxy rounds.
It’s largely just Gepard and AMX-30 DCA.
Machbet, SIDAM 25, PGZ09, PGZ04A, and ZA-35 all have IR tracking.
VEAK 40, and M247 have proximity so they can flash a lock and shoot accurately before chaff loses the lock.
SANTAL, Type 93, ZSU-23 M4?, and Chaparral have IR missiles.

Gepards are what you’ll see most often. ZSU-23-4M4 is fresh out of the oven, it used to be only ZSU-23-4s. You forgot about Chieftain marksman, Type 87, ItPsV 90.
You can dodge VEAKs and M247s easier when you break the lock. If you maneuver just one “flash a lock” won’t kill you, if they even get their aim reticle in place quickly enough. (plus they have a very distinct sound when firing, especially the M247).
Type 93 and ZSU-23-4M4’s missiles are easy to dodge. SANTAL is quite a bit harder, but they’re rare.

SIDAM 25, ZA-35 and Machbet are all on the rare side too, you usually won’t see them in a match - alot of ZA-35s play TD anyway, and Machbet still has the awful tracking of the M163, plus dodgeable missiles.

Honestly your biggest thread was and still is the Strela, which luckily got banished to 10.0.