With the introduction of the reward for destroying munitions, it is only reasonable to give (some if not all) SPAA systems that have cannons the ability to automatically lead targets locked by radar.
This would eliminate the main issue with being able to shoot down munitions which is the jankyness of the radars.
(In real life, even systems like the M163 automatically lead targets but it only provides lead indication in game for balancing purposes)
This would also help some SPAA that really struggle (eg. Machbet, Sidam 25, etc)
- Yes
- Yes, only for some vehicles
- No
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It would help the ZSU-37-2 and ZSU-23-4 A LOT, especially since it is already hard enough to hit stuff because the lead indicator is quite inaccurate. It would also help them since they can’t engage targets further than 3km out, and their shells travel quite slow compared to other nation’s SPAA
killing stuff is not the sidam 25’s problem (finding air targets, surviving against ground targets are the issues), also I don’t think completely automating SPAA is the solution to any of the problems with SPAA
Many, if not all, vehicles with ability to lock onto aircraft already have automatic gun traverse to follow the target and you only have to point them over the lead indicator.
This already leads to problems when you lock onto something fast and close and get whiplashed by the guns trying to follow it
Now add to this ground clutter and multipathing and maneuvering and now your guns will be giving you whiplash trying to automatically aim and the ground reflection instead of the actual target
Just… don’t use the radar then??
If it bothers you so much why use it
Brother what is the logic behind your reply because I do not see it
You complain about radar lead being problematic for you
Then why use it in the first place?
Why suggest something on the forum if you can just stop playing War Thunder if you don’t like the way it works right now?
whatever this convo is pointless and off topic
I’m unsure of what you are asking, are those spaa that you quoted able to do so in real life ? If yes they should get it, otherwise no.
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Yes all radar SPAA in game to my knowledge automatically lead targets, I don’t think any even provide lead indication
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I mean… I’d love to drive around in a Centurion C-RAM
M163 and Machbet would finally allow for full CIWS larp
right!? it would be great xD
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