Allow console players to have custom or downloadable skins

I am an xbox player and I would like to know if it would be possible to allow console players to have downloadable skins or that they could create

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Well, Gaijin cant change it… because Sony and Microsoft are the ones who say NO.

You can’t download anything onto conosle that isn’t it the console shop for it

Well they can, put any skin for free or 100 mill dollars in their game… Like console version should have like “do 3 games to get this and that skin” and thats how you get it, same as you can buy skin for plane for 200 GE… Like Sony/Microsoft has nothing to do with it, to me it looks like they just dont care that much for console version otherwise we would be able to buy it with GE

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You do realise that if they would add every skin into the files, the game size would go up from 122gb to an (xy) amount of TB???
This was from just 4 hours of gaming, those were alone 930gb

evrything can be compressed and we dont need market like you but for example:

  • old event vehicles
  • old BP vehicles
  • etc…

Just something…