Ok so this is one shot out of how many?
Sure the BVM sometimes does funny things, but I’ve also had “guaranteed pen” shots on Leopard 2s, Challenger 2s, Abrams and Merkavas that just decided to either bounce or not do any damage.
Ok so this is one shot out of how many?
Sure the BVM sometimes does funny things, but I’ve also had “guaranteed pen” shots on Leopard 2s, Challenger 2s, Abrams and Merkavas that just decided to either bounce or not do any damage.
so only the person who made the bug report had access to these sources? As so far have shown the sources that Gaijin used to support their position
thats a t-72 , the fuel tanks have no armor protectio, and the ammo carousel. A detonation of the tank and ammo should have insta killed the tank. i have more videos of me shooting T-series in the side and they magically survive.
Takes 2 shots to blow up a russian tank when you hit the ammo with a HSTLV
wasiting time having to fire at a russian tank twice to kill it when other enemy tanks are near you is a death sentence. Somehow Russian tanks are the only tanks i know that can take direct APFSDS round and still not blow up. The ammo in the abrams slight gets hit by shrapnel and turns yellow for any reason it will explode.
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i been a menace for the longest
but i aint finished im devoted
and you know it, and you know it
Just because you hit the autoloader it doesn’t mean you hit the ammo. Your shot barely even hit the autoloader as it was pretty high.
Your first shot went through the ERA (-200mm pen) and still managed to kill driver and wound the gunner slightly.
Your third shot also went through the ERA and disabled the autoloader which has some armor of it’s own. Your shot went through the edge of the autoloader and if he had low ammo count that spot might as well be void of ammo.
Shots 1-5: Clearly missed.
Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control).
Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses.
Shot 12: Likely didn’t actually fire because Hiko was already dead.
love the reference
Crazy and all, but this happens to every nation. I’ve shot M48s and seen my spalling disappear, I’ve shot tanks side-on with APHE and APFSDS and watched as their track consumes my entire shell. HEAT-FS is notorious for being cancerous…
I’ve also had really bad shots do really weird things too. For instance, I shot the roof of a leo 1 dead on with the BMP-2, and the APDS shell bounced into the rear of the turret, made the ammo there red, and it blew up.
The same way any other tank driver does in this game; its not 100% realistic.
I also hit the fuel tank and you can see the massive explosion coming from the tank, but somehow his driver and the rest of the crew survived a perfect shot to the idler wheel, no one even got slightly yellow lol.
Here’s a German M48 eating a 105mm DM33 to it’s ammo and surviving, you can even see the “ammo” being listed as a part that’s being destroyed and it blacking out in the hit cam.
I guess none of this matters as it wasn’t on a RU tank, so who cares, right ?
Sadly, yeah.
Even worse; I shot the turret ammo of an M60 once and witnessed, in terror, as all 12 shells turned black and disappeared… and they proceeded to kill my IS-3
XDDD i bet he bring 12 smokes
I shot rack 3 (which was full)
Also, i think all shells in this game are explosive when they are in an ammorack, regardless of its type.
edit; wrong tank
normal fuel tank like fuel tank with no seperate steel or armor should always kill crews
Theres a certain thickness that can resist fuel explosion(20mm-40mm)
yeah but then gaijin janky game mechanics said otherwise
So? U did not hit the ammo, only the empty part of the autoloader cause u aimed too low. Fuel tank doesn’t just explode, they don’t IRL, so this is not realistic in WT anyway, nvm it was likely an ignition rather than explosion so no point talking about explosion or crew survival, that is purely visual effects.
That is realistic bro, don’t you know american engineering is superior?
~USA mains