Aircraft Carriers - WT Discussion

Tbh it is rather infuriating that the War Thunder Mobile App, has more indepth vehicles of differing types than what is available in normal War Thunder, it was supposed to be that normal got Submarines, aircraft carriers and such before Mobile (not the other way round).


Well WTM is being used as a test platform, it’s more like arcadey game than realistic game like WT. For example, AF D3 (yep, that 3.3 slow ass german naval barge) is being placed in top tier of WTM naval combat and surprisingly it’s capable to destory battleship and even missile cruiser. The WTM naval is extremely goofy and unbalance, it’s tech tree is even harder to grind than WT, oh btw you can even get time limited offer that allow you buy top tier ship directly (Ofc u need to pay real money). So I sold my soul to the snail so I can actually try some of the submarine and missile ship in WTM. And I have to say they are freaking OP and unbalanced but thankfully this is a mobile game so gaijin can do whatever shit they want and players wouldn’t complain, which wouldn’t happened in WT. So don’t feel jealous because WTM get some shiny new stuff, just pray and hope those submarine, missile ship and aircraft carrier will come in WT in a balance status soon™.

During my first time playing WT, I was surprised to see that there weren’t any aircraft-carriers in this game…at least, none that could be acquired. Personally, I dismiss the one in Enduring Conflicts and the light-cruisers that can launch planes, but that’s just me being nit-picky.

I don’t know if I’ll ever get far in WT, but I can imagine how they would operate, and I think it would be interesting. Might require a map bigger than what I experience in Enduring Conflict, but I think it can be done.

Those barges are already ingame for german coastal with the same 88’s or bigger guns. But warthunder mobiles damage model for ships is like world of warships from what I have seen so that they work on mobiles.

Yes, I know, I own it in WT naval, it wouldn’t even stand a chance against reserve destoryer. Thus I said WTM is arcadey game like WOWS.

An additional change was made in the most recent update:

This one comes from entities_wtm.blkx

from hudbuttonsview.nut


Hmm. good update Hen. Maybe we are closer to carriers in WTM than we expect. I’m just hoping they come to the Base Game too.


Now this

this would be a great way to end a year.

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Ah yes, the jet thats too fat to properly take off from a ski jump carrier, and the ski jump carrier thats perpetually on fire.

Jokes aside, more carriers are nice, tho unforrunately, I think this’ll just be for a test drive and we wont be getting any air gameplay with proper modern naval maps for another long time…

Idk. Maybe the End of the year event maybe to test Carriers. Last year we had Subs so this year we should get Carriers.

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Kuznetsov might be able to replace Ark Royal(R09) in Air SB and the remaining ARB carrier maps, or atleast I hope it could - it would be nice if both teams’ takeoff point had AA guns, rather than just one side.

We’ve seen from Mobile that gjn has models for other carriers, maybe some of those will appear this time too.

( )


Yup, that sure is the admiral kuznetsov, wondering if we’ll get a spotting range bonus considering how much smoke the irl one makes?


Some images of Admiral Kuznetsov from the Su-33 devblog:

And wallpapers:

And my findings from the files, first devserver version:

Unlike Baku, the launch tubes for long-range AShM 's are not present in the Xray

However, the antisubmarine rocket launchers and ammunition storages for aircraft weapons are equally present as they were on the previous carrier(s)


The AK-630 single turrets are named as the primary calibre, while the 3M87 Kortik combined gun-missile defense systems are marked as secondary calibre. Ammo storage for the 9M311 missiles are modelled, but they are not currently usable - only the gun component of the turret is able to fire at the moment.

This is the first carrier to have Xray modules for radar systems present in the model !
Though, some of the WW2 carriers added in update " Apex Predators " did have their optical rangefinders modelled already.

Here 's some additional images showing some of the VLS cells for 3K95 Kinzhal SAM ( aka 9M330 ) and defensive chaff screen projectors:
These are not currently part of the DM for the ship. These images are not comprehensive, there are more of both types of equipment present than shown above.


Eh, better to do the work now I guess, means you don’t have to pick it up later in 5 years when carriers do actually come.

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Anything new? I do hope player controlled carriers will come

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Would love to sail the Graf Zeppelin one day. Just recieved a model kit.


what do this thread have to do with israel? why is Israel tagged

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Subs and aircraft carriers are a must

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Because israel bias? Duh uh