“Air Superiority” Update trailer

CF-188A, BAE EAP, MiG-29UPG, Mirage 2000H, Mirage 2000I. I guess Aussie F-18 but the CF-18 is more interesting IMO.

Plus at 11.7/12.0, Atlas Cheetah E, MiG-21UPG, Mirage F1AZ/CZ, F1AZ (RD-33), Mig-29B.

Germany, meanwhile, with limited precedent for subtrees only can realistically expect maybe an early Swiss F/A-18C before the Typhoon sometime probably late next year. Hence why Germany is the nation most in need of AMRAAMs if they are going to get any new air for a while.

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best radar missiles is currently russia because of the platform of the SMT with a better radar

Why not? Seriously, I’m confused why people seem to hate India in particular. No one seems to complain about South Africa or Hungary, but an Indian subtree is somehow evil.

Missiles are the same one, which is a joke because germany never have them and their migs don’t have capabilities to use them.

Because they deserved their own tree

trials and decision to buy them was made but not carried thru.

straight up wrong.
one guy posted about this, the pilots of the mig were witness to the fact that the E variants were compatible with the 29 9.12

Depends on the situation. In a dogfight, sub 5-10km yes. They are, by far. But at greater ranges, out to about 15-20kms, missiles like ASRAAM start to become stronger and IRIS-T max out at about 25km. ASRAAM is effective out to 30-40kms and can under the right conditions it something out to 50kms

Didn’t use them. So it shouldn’t be in game. And give link to that post please.

Bro, but neither was a serial production Yak-141 with IRST and countermeasures that were guessed and placed entirely by the developers.

Nothing is impossible to those who believe.

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Gaijin said - all at once or nothing for all.
Therefore, you’ll have to wait that anyone could have a platform good enough for fox-3 (meaning Japan and UK as well)

Actually they didnt. CBA to find the post. But Smin confirmed that not all nations would get Fox 3 in the same update. Only that when other nations did, PL-12 would come to the J8-F. No where does it state that all 10 nations would get Fox 3 in the exact same update

MiG-29? No one? It’s the fastest and most maneuvrable at the current live server.

Well where are those all??

Like i said… Germany has 2 mig29s already, meanwhile brits are stuck with 2 phantoms with 9Gs and boat with wings.

Does that actually make sense for you?

“Right now germany is in a good place compared to sweden and britain, so it’s germany that needs better missiles (on top of R73 and R27 lmao) and not those that are struggling.”

how do you know that? not every missile has to be featured in the trailer. And even if they don’t add them now, theyre gonna do it at some point anyway right?

bro the f-16 FM runs circles around the 29. and with ground huggers, SARH is nerfed to hell.

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There is still time. Most suspected that F-15 and Su-27 would remain SARH for now, even if ARH was added. That way lower performance airframes like Sea Harrier FA2, AV-8B+, J8-F, etc etc could be fitted with ARH and find a degree of balance.

We’ll have to wait for the next few weeks and see, but still a good chance it will come

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F-18 probably next update since squadron decals in BP.

when dev server opening? any info yet?

Highly likely today’s evening.

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Correction - Germany is in a good place right now and will be in a decent one when the update releases. But unlike Britain and even Sweden, it doesn’t have any options for aircraft to keep it competitive over the next months. Despite being one of the top 3 most played nations. No options, that is, without AMRAAMs on vehicles such as the F-4F ICE.
Giving the Tornado AMRAAMs would turn it into a broken missilebus. Especially broken if no other nation is given missiles anywhere near that capability. When there are so many other options to add, why would you ever pick the Tornado from a game perspective? It’s just a terrible idea. Every nation should get AMRAAMs and equivalents at the same time. That time should be late next year, allowing for more 12.3s, 12.7s, and 13.0s to be added. Then, aircraft such as F-16Cs, Typhoons, F-15C/J MSIP, Su-27M, etc. come in at 13.3 and 13.7 with those new missiles. Finally, with the missiles being widespread and players having time to learn how to defeat them, older aircraft at lower tiers can get AMRAAMs.
Not just rashly throwing a uniquely powerful weapon system to a single nation just because you main it, irregardless of the consequences.

A Tornado at 12.7 with AMRAAMs would be like the A-10 or Su-25s in Air right now. Balanced, sure. But sure as hell not fun to play against with more conventional vehicles. Especially if there is no possibility of those aircraft ever seeing anything but downtiers.