Air Realistic, Enduring Confrontation

Exactly, how Gaijin designs maps is make a flat surface, add a building or two, make one spawn completely visible to the other spawn. Add some bumps in the middle and ship it out next update. This could be fixed with much larger maps with battles spread out so there is a point at which neither SPAA or CAS can be in range. This would stop SPAA like the Pantsir from being able to just control the air entirely.

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Pls, read “Escalation” section

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Yeah that seems like a better system. Maybe have some set targets that when captured launch an ICBM at a set point on the map or maybe a point that is voted on by players. Then player controlled nuclear weapons such nuclear bombs and missiles are spawned in with the amount of points a team reaches.

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you dont need ICBM on 80km map

Great idea!

This is GREAT. I really hope Gaijin is taking a look at this and can implement something like it. I always loved the way of how SIM Matches give you all these optional Goals but I do not own a Joystick so I suffer from Mouse + Keyboard Gameplay as other players with a Joystick and maybe even Headtracking can take advantage of all the multiple axis control.

If we get a Mode like SIM but with RB controls I can finally enjoy some good fights and not deal with 50 Missile´s on a 20km x 20km Square

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When War Thunder gets an AI overhaul, this should be brought back in testing using Afghanistan as the test map.

Nuclear Option is multiplayer??

Tbh I feel like that’s an “if” not a “when,” sadly

That’s the laziest excuse I’ve heard in the past 7 years I’ve played this game. Your justification is “It’s just a game bro”.

It is not a valid or strong reason for it to be added. Air RB EC is just Air SIM but worse in every possible way. Reason->Modern RB player’s ability retention span is concise. The Niche group going into this means it will be a vocal minority and side-lined just like Air SIM has been since its introduction. Which was a little over 10 years ago. While some minor changes were made which were good qualities of life, Air Sim remains one of the smallest communities despite being a mode where Aces fight other Aces. Air RB on the other hand is not that. Now I’m not gonna repeat myself cause at this point it is a waste of breath trying to get a proper justification on why the game mode should be added since every reason I’ve seen as of currently has been summed into 1 courtyard of “We want it, so add it”. Instead of a proper, organized, and structured assessment of why it should be added and what it would do to benefit Air RB pilots.

No, it’s great game, that have better gameplay that wt

I would like to know why you think RB EC would be Sim but just worse. If anything it would just be sim but easier and more accessible, which is not necessarily worse.
Yes modern RB retention span is limited, however you can argue that this is caused by the gamemode itself - due to the short match timer and the complete focus (by players) on dogfighting, it feels like a somewhat free-for-all air control operation instead of a reasonable air offensive. Despite having ground targets and bases and stuff to bomb, most of that is seen as a “side” thing to the main focus of the gamemode, which is fighting other players. This is the reason that a lot of attack aircraft and bombers are rarely played compared to fighters, they are too vulnerable to the fighter swarm while not being able to substantially affect the battle.

Air Sim is a small community precisely because of that: it is simulator. It is inherently less accessible due to a harder learning curve, and as such is maybe tried once and then not really played again by the average player.
Despite that, Enduring Confrontation as a gamemode is leagues better than the “single clash” that embodies current air RB. It actually has ground targets for strike aircraft and bombers to attack, and the maps are so big that they have a good chance of getting to a target without being targeted by an enemy player, helped by the fact that there are no markers. The gamemode emphasizes the PvE aspect of air, which in my opinion is somewhat ignored in the current RB. It removes the structure of just “fighter fighting fighter,” and introduces the idea of taking part in an actual operation instead of just a fighter sweep. It feels more grounded as a gamemode, and more fun as a result because your actions in the battle space, with regards to the PvE element, can actually influence the end of the battle in a more meaningful way than just ticket bleed. But throughout all this, players who want to play fighters can still do that, or they can try and go for a fighter-bomber approach. There will always be a need by a team for countering enemy fighters, be they real players or AI, and so fighters will always have something to do. Additionally, the semi-frequent spawning of air superiority zones in EC means that every now and then, many players can jump in a fighter and be involved in a large and chaotic furball, just as the current RB mode mostly is. Introducing EC into an RB setting would move RB away from being a jumbo fighter fest into a more “realistic” take on air operations.
As for the players, it would help them yes. You can argue that some players would get bored flying to and from the battle area, and having to land and rearm, but in my opinion having to do that flying makes the moments where you actually are in battle a lot more tense. For those who truly don’t want to do it, there can always be a separate, current RB-style gamemode. But for a lot of other people, I think they would enjoy EC as a gamemode more than RB, due to much more of a plethora of things to do, along with increased investment in any particular match due to both respawns and a long match timer.
I think it could be good for RB, but it needs to be implemented in a good way. IMO markers (at least for enemies) should be turned off, similar to Ground RB, to add both suspense and a reason for players to pay attention to the game, to make sure they aren’t caught off guard.

To make it a bit more understandable, if current Air RB is a short, multi-episode TV show, Air EC would be the same TV show but depicted as an hour-long film. It is easier to sit through all at once due to no breaks in between, and players would be more invested and attentive as the “action” is more steady and drawn out as opposed to short bursts. But, just like a movie, the option should still be there to experience it in parts instead of all at once. The addition of EC doesn’t necessarily mean that current RB should be deleted.


I’ve been doing that for a good while in this thread lol. Look at my previous answers, not the short one.

Heck, look at @S3b5 's response.

Oh this thread seems right up my alley. I’ll link to it from my thread in hopes that people who left their feedback there leave it here as well, seeing as yours actually got accepted in the “Suggestions” category.


Gaijin, im begging

Give this

I’ll even pay 50$ for this as a DLC


Plane Rb ec mixed with pve heli, where do i sign ?

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Both him and your mode are perfect, maybe a mis of both ideas ?

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I would even sell my soul for RB EC

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what miss?

Nuke, if im right your idea was to launch tactical nuke as a sort of bombing ?