Aiming in battle ground

Im having issue to understand aiming in this game. How can someone one shot my M10, from his M10, by hitting the single pixel on the very top of my turret while i can barely see his. This is insane. I mean i really don’t understand …

Were they using High Explosive shells?

If your vehicle has an “Open top” like an M10, high explosive shells instantly kill any and all exposed crew, and sometimes you don’t even need a direct hit - double kills of open tops with 1 high caliber HE shell is possible.

This is called “Overpressure.”

Further reading: Damage mechanics - War Thunder Wiki ,


I forgot to say im in arcade mode. But at this point i’m not learning much. I just don’t want to show the slighest bit of my tank cause i get one shot all the time. I don’t even have time to properly aim… so i don’t even try to change shell type.

Anyone have some insight on how to set the controls on a PS5 to make this game bearable…

I just added a control to set the range. Dont really recall…is basically a key that you press (you can select which one i think i used digital right or digital left) TOGETHER with analogue joystick (right vertical). At beginning of EACH tank usage i set the range for something like 650 to 900.
That way when you aim it will already compensate for the “usual” range. You have to manually adjust if farther away or too close.

I also divided the shooting so i won’t fire any secondary with the main gun. When i press fire it will only shoot the gun…no extra noise…no clutter.

Other than that i think default works ok for tanks.

Get used to this…it will happen A LOT. I sometimes am pixel aiming at something that it is apparently completely behind a rock…and then it shoots back and hits.
I am assuming they are either better or luckier…TBH i think i also do it sometimes. I am behind something and the “something” is hit by enemy fire…then i hit an enemy from behind the something…i assume it will annoy “them”…
My biggest gripe on this is Volokamlamsk map (or something with a likewise name)…the snow makes the arcade sight say enemy is behind cover when it isn’t…

I make a tutorial for that ;) and some others with the tag “tutorial”

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Tutorial ABOVE is actually very good…direct to the point, so not boring and information is right on target.

Just a complement…in PS5 you have to ADD the distance control…it is NOT AVAILABLE by default in any control. You choose a key (that does something not critical) and an axis. Usually you set this once for each tank you use, so the key can do something else.

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You can do this with a vehicle that has a rather short barrel length thus high bullet drop off


  1. Use binoculars to range find the target you see
  2. Once you get the target range, switch to gunner sight and adjust your sight to match the target range
  3. Use your binocular again, this time press fire button to align your barrel to target position
  4. Switch to gunner sight to fire off a shot
  5. Profit

I always do step 3 to ensure the target hasn’t moved. Do the same in arcade but you don’t have to range find since the name tag tells you exactly how far is it, there is a reason why people bring the German reserve 15cm sig to top tier still maintain a 3.0 kdr in this, they just nuke the nametag while sitting behind the hill.

HE most likely even a hit to a wall directly next to you will kill something that’s opentopped

I suggest you link a keyboard and mouse, or switch to a PC as you aren’t that far into the grind yet.