I am about to unlock the F4J Phantom 2 which has the possibility to carry those 2 types of AIM7.
From what I have read, I understand the difference is :
Longer engine burn time for the F, which make it better for long range engagement, but less for close range.
Shorter burn time for E2, which make it better for closer range.
But is there more things to know? Does the F have a better guidance? Which one you would choose and way?
So as far as I played the f4E i can say that the aim7E2 have way less range than the Fs but even if you loose lock or the enemy chaffs your radar they still god for the enemy. Aim7f doesn’t do that.
7E2 is better at closer range, but inferior at longer range compared to 7F
You can look into differences and stats on missiles on this Google Doc
if you shoot at sub 10 kilometers(headon lower if chasing), the e2 is more likely to net you a kill as it WILL hit even if it gets chaffed as long as target remains in your cone, aim 7f doesnt do that, but it doesnt have much range.
but the aim7f has much more range and it maneuvers as soon as it leaves the rail. imo id pick the 7F