The AIM 9M in sim and air rb feels extremely lacking, up to 300m it doesn’t turn at all the ircm is easily flared off. While missiles like the R73 which historically had a horrible ircm fail to be flared off. Before the nerf 9Ms where playable and had an effective hit rate. Now i have to launch them before 2.0 km in order for them to turn.
AIM-9Ms have never been nerfed in IRCCM and R-73s do have a worse IRCCM that is easily flared off, when not afterburning.
I think you just don’t understand how seeker shutoff works
Aim-9Ms are a pretty poor dogfighting missile, but excel at longer range ambush shots. Especially if you can get a clean rear-aspect shot. The problem though, is they have the incorrect lock ranges and are just C&Ped over from the 9L. The 9Ms were “Dechirped” and could lock on at far greater ranges than the 9L (same ranges as the “dechirped” Aim-9Ls the RAF used).
So you should be able to get front aspect locks against an AB target at like 15km, at the moment, 3km is doing well.
WAAAAY to often, the target is well within the LSZ before I even get tone
Should also be way harder to defeat than they are currently, but all IRCCM missiles are limited to only 1 form of IRCCM, so we’ll have to wait for that buff for now.
But employed right, and given a little baby sitting at times. And they do quite well
3 Actually, Seeker shutoff, Gate width, and combo (only found on IR SAMs afaik)
I hate the 9m. It cant lock in head ons almost ever and I’ve accidentally teamkilled dozens of friendlies from them deciding to lose lock on the afterburner 1km from them and target the friendly 3km off
I didnt know about SAMs having more than 1 at once, but what I mean is Aim-9Ms used several different methods for defeating flares such as Community Bug Reporting System
but like the PL-8B (if I have the right missile :P ), the Aim-9M is restricted to a single method of IRCCM which is just the seeker shutoff for now.
Some of the stories Iv’e read of Aim-9M live fire exercises are rather funny. They liked to just disregard the flare pack they were actually fired at and go for the drone towing the flares instead
Oh that’s what you mean, okay fair enough
Yeah, WAAAAAY too often, I have the target well within range, and rapidly approaching the minimum range before I even get tone. Given I could (if in range) be firing them at like 14.45km away from the target if they are sat in full reheat. It drives me nuts that I can barely get a lock when they are on reheat out to 3km.
Other than in the perfect situation where I’ve gotten behind a load of unsuspecting premium noobs they almost never frag in an expected way.
Ive had a better time with the 9L using the T10 on update day than I ever have with 9m on typhoon, Jas39C or GR7
Yeah, when the IRCCM works, it works great, but the rest of the time. Its hard to justify bringing them over 9Ls or AMRAAMs in something like FA2. If they had there decent lock ranges. I’d be inclined to run 2+3 loadouts on the FA2 or 6+4 loadouts on the Typhoon
bro when the IRCCM actually works it gets the most disgusting kills, literally ignoring BOL pods of flares from 4km to wack a guy.
on FA2 I just run 4 spamraams, once 9m is worthwhile ill run two on a bol pylon and three spamraams. they are just my emergency missiles on typhoon, all that’s usable on GR7 and SA gripen (id rather have SRAAM over darter)
9m is good, it just doesn’t fit your playstyle.
what alternative is there? We don’t have iris t or asraam or 9X in the game and a 9L theoretically should be worse as your IR sraam
I know. Genuinley asking how the “best sidewinder” cant fit someones playstyle. Its a sidewinder
fits mine. i use the long range of it to fire from high down into targets or fire it at headons together with amraams, also fire from side at farther range passing targets that r-73’s would probably not hit
i dont use them in turnfights theyre not a turnfight missile. if you find the 9l better then you do, sometimes it is better sometimes it isn’t.
9l is especially well induced against someone who doesn’t turn off their afterburner when flaring
the 9l is often better but thats more from the 9m having jank to it that the L doesn’t suffer from.
must admit I do use them as a dogfight missile if the circle breaks wider or my target has bled out of speed and I cant guarantee a gun kill.
Its side aspect is really good I will agree. phenomenal third party kill missile but that’s about all I can say that makes it better than a 9L most the time.
OPs complaint is that the IRCCM is spotty which I can vouch for.
as for me id say the missile isn’t competitive for 14.0, even with jank polished out its a missile that’s domain is 12.0 being used at 14.0. will still be insufficient
Though still too easy to defeat. If sat on Reheat. 9Ls shouldnt be flareable even with large calibre flares.
really impressive for a missile built in the Falklands war era