So as the title says i think the aim 9L is not a good fit for the F16A (even if its marginally better than the 9J with all aspect locks) because the range is so low that you can lock and launch only after the radar missles at the same BR and for aome reason the 9L i so sensitive to all heat signatures (except the enemy engine apparently) that it will lock on the enemy AAM even if laucnhed forst at the enemy.
But also its so sensitive that if the enemy flares in a headon, it will immediately switch to flares.
The result of this a very frustrating gameplay where you either have to flank for half the match to do a surprise attack OR you are at a constant disadvantage (not to mention their poor agility, that is sometimes enough to drop the missle out of the sky) - Ive had countless times where I surprise a group of enemies, passing through them avoiding their missles and dropping mine from 2-3km distance and in 4 launches i get…0 hits bc its enough for anything to pass in front of the 9L for it to be distracted. And this doesnt happen with any other missle at this BR.
Its soo frustrating to be constantly runnig the gauntlet, dodging missles while being armed with something so unreliable in terms of performance.
So my question is, was it really this it? Didnt the F16A get sparrows or something a bit better, ever? Surely theres something that could be done to make it a bit more viable
Block 10 never had any SARH missiles as far as I know.
ADF is, with 2 Sparrows.
And we have in game F-16AJ with everything Block 10 and Block 15 have.
Ah i somehow missed that ADF gets sparrows, thanks
Because it was in folder, yeah?
No, i know the ADF exists i overlooked the sparrows themselves on ot, skipped it and went for C thinking its got some ground battle purpose for CAS
Skipped it too, but because there are better variants of F-16 with SARH missiles in other tech trees (F-16AJ, MLU).
Yeaah but if im gonna invets into another nation id rather go for something completely differnet like gripoen or mig, than a repackage of something I already have, but thats personal preference, though i think its quite dumb that non-original nations get usually the better variant of US jets, but thats a whole other discussion
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Understand your opinion, but i see nothing wrong with it. Country buys aircraft or a vehicle and then upgrades it for their needs. Examples: J34 (Swedish Hunter), MiG-29G, Saar (Super Myster B2) etc.
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Ah yes… the infamous cope post. Here we see another cope post in the wild. Let’s see what the community has to say

Whats the point of your comment?
Hm yeah I can see how you would struggle the grasp the point of this post and subsequently not understand my previous wuestion. Carry on.
Ah the old “i have nothing to counter so ill stick to spelling errors”. Honestly exactly what I would expect.
Man just admit you got fried and leave.
The aim-9L imo is good, if, a very BIG if, you know how to use it.
Care to provide arguments or youre just gonna keep it down to personal oppinion? Y’know is this gonna be a discussion or your soap box?
And by fried id assume you think i struggle with them which is demonstrably not true, as evident in my player card. I do stand by my argumentation though.
The 9L is frankly terrible compared to the R-60M as is due to the latter having actual good flare rejection against targets with their AB on for some reason.
9Ls yeet off into the stratosphere the moment any flare appears, AB or not after their nerf.
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Wait wait wait, my brother, you cant be the lvl 17 with the negative kd in the F14A IRIAF and 0 flyouts in the F16a. Lmao, explains a lot.