AIM-9H 22g overload

This isn’t really a suggestion because I don’t have any documents to prove it but I was reading a rundown about the AIM-9 sidewinder and it said that the AIM-9H was much better compared to the Golf model than just having better reliability from the solid state computing. From what I can gather it had better motors with 120 lb.ft of torque compared to the Delta and Gold with up to 100 lb.ft of torque. Would only 20 more lbs of torque be able to increase the overall manoeuvrability by 4g’s? If anyone has any documents saying either it’s true or false can reply that would be nice.
Here’s a link to the website but I don’t know if it’s reliable or not: The Sidewinder Story / The Evolution of the AIM-9 Missile

Torque is not going to affect maximum maneuverability, okay it can if the previous missile simply did not have enough torque to deflect at high speed (but I don’t think that’s true here). Maximum deflection will most of the time determine maximum maneuverability with higher torque allowing you to reach that limit faster.

To my knowledge the 9H does not have higher maneuverability than the 9Gs. I think ~22Gs was achievable on the D/G/H series at a certain altitude only, but 18Gs was chosen to match more usual launch envelopes. There is a document as well showing up to 33G pull using dual plane on the AIM-9G, which is roughly ~23G single plane (again, at most at a certain altitude only).

So, aerodynamically speaking, the AIM-9D/G/H are all the same missile. Same wings, same fins (specifically the BSU-14/B), same motor, same nose profile, similar all-up mass, etc. They also all have the same actuator travel limits. As such, they have the same aerodynamic turn performance of 18G at sea level

The higher torque available to the actuators on the 9H - combined with the higher seeker track rate (20°/sec vs 12°/sec) - simply allows to pull slightly harder due to more rapid fin movement, meaning it reaches that limit faster than the 9D/G.

That improved turning capability, and other improvements that came with the change to solid-state electroics, then in turn only became relevant at close range, before the missile had a chance to accelerate too much. At long range it had the same overall performance as the 9D/G.