The Aim-174Bs have been around for a couple of years now, but they were recently publicly acknowledged as being in active service. I am sharing this post to bring in more of what we can have on upcoming aircraft.
The AIM-174B is now publicly visible and would be an interesting kick to the game. This missile can target both air and ground. Has an ECM mode, HARM mode, and more. It is capable of out ranging current air born fire control systems, but with Datalink the launch platform doesn’t need to feed it data. It can receive remote guidance from any ship, ground based, or air based system in network. This is considered to be the replacement for the Phoenix which was retired in 2003. Currently it is the longest range missile carried by Fighters of any nation in service.
Here is a photo of an Aim-174B next to an Aim-120D:

Range: 300+ Miles/480km. (Air Launched)
Speed: Mach 4+
Weight 1800lbs
Length 21.5ft
F15E can officially carry 6 (unofficially classified)
F18 can officially carry 6 (unofficially classified)
F22 (In Beast Mode Only)
F35 (In Beast Mode Only)
The F22 and F35 loadouts are unknown at this time.
This missile is air to air, air to ground, anti-radiation, anti-ecm, along with a number of classified applications but with these systems it would be a great advantage to have in game. Especially as ECMs come into play in the future.
The Aim-54s, Aim-120s, Aim-154B, and Aim-260 all have ECM and HARM capability (and can dual track using both as a data point). So any aircraft with ECM Active, or Radar Active, the signature can be input as target data, and even if you switch ECM off it already has your RADAR fingerprint and can remain on target with no warning. This is a nasty little feature that would be great in game, because RWR will not discover it in flight. When the missile goes pitbull it will be far too late to evade.
sure, if Sweden, Germany and Italy get IRIS-T to counter it.
Is it not a counterpart to the Meteor or R-27EA? I thought IRIS-T was a short-range system.
I don’t think you want the IRIS-T as a counter to this. I don’t mind it in game. But the IRIS-T is a 16 mile AAM with a speed of Mach 3. The Iris-T is 25% slower and has a 94% less range.
It is a counterpart to Astra MK-3, K100, Meteor (Kind of because this is medium range), PL21(25% slower, and 25% less range than the Aim-154B) etc.
It has a longer range than the Aim-260. It was designed to counter missiles like the PL21 and to be a replacement for the Phoenix.
And how you with short range missile can counter extremly long range missile?
Yeah true i was meant to say Meteor lol
Well… you can shoot it down with the Iris-T. Maybe. If the stars line up and you detect it first. And its not in glide mode.
Where does the information about these aircrafts come from? The photos were only with F/A-18.
In addition, in USA only the Navy and STRATCOM have SM-6
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i dont see this missile coming to the game… ever lol.
they cried about f-14s launching from the airfield…
imagine launching without taking off.
(ofcourse WT doesnt allow that) but this missile is designed to be fired from stationary platforms
Also occasionally photos will make it out. Like this one from the Queen Elizabeth just as a deterrent. 100% a publicity photo.

This reduces your range by about 75 miles. But is possible. Since you can just loft and it only needs their aircraft to have RADAR or ECM turned on to lock. Could also use the enemies datalink signal as a lock source. The firing aircraft only needs to send it in a advantageous direction. Won’t be affected by map of the earth flying in that case either, but the RADAR only needs the target to be 3 meters off the ground for internal RADAR to be unaffected anyways.
I know about “Beast mode” for F-35 and F-22
But, for example, in theory F-15 can pick only 3 missile, 'cuz SM-6 is suitable in weight to carry on a CFT, but the wingspan is too large. Maybe only with special bigger rail.
Take whatever is unclassified and always think “minimum case possible”.
This missile weighs 1800lbs. Unclassified Maximum payloads:
F15E = 23,000lbs
F15EX = 30,000lbs
F16 = 16,000lbs
F18 Super = 18,000lbs
F22 = 4000lbs per hardpoint
F35 = 18,000lbs
You simply need to make sure the hardpoints are compatible with the system. In some cases changing the hard points over will limit them and not allow other AAMs yes. But this is a “video game” so that doesn’t take the maintenance down time we need to worry about IRL.
Weapon integration is not just a simple wiring work; it takes a significant amount of time to validate the aerodynamic impact on the aircraft and configure the mission computer and sensors to work with the weapon.
You mean like was done in game with the Yak 141? Or the Migs carrying R27ERs they never did?
In this case and others I have pointed out the systems have already been proven possible. Just like the Aim-9X has been publicly announced backwards compatibility, even with aircraft that don’t have datalink.
They have already announced the Aim-174B works with the F15, F18, F22, & F35. They wouldn’t do this if they couldn’t sell it to users for this application.
The official announcement about AIM-174B only confirms that it is operationally deployed in the U.S. Navy. They never mentioned the F-15, F-22, F-35.
fly low or caff/notch it and short rang it wont win cuse its long have so depents oon the siuwasien
Just a little reminder, the F-22 Raptor unlike the F-35 does NOT have a Beast mode as it is made only for air superiority.
Would love to see w/ super hornet, if more proof of it being on F-15 is shown then Itd be great to see on those top