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Aichi B7A1 ( 流星)
The Aichi B7A1 was a Japanese torpedo/dive bomber that was the prototype for the B7A2 aircraft. 9 copies were built between 1942 and 1944.
In mid-1941, with the start of construction of the aircraft carrier Taihō, it was decided that a new universal naval bomber was needed. In 1941, the Japanese Navy had a D4Y dive bomber and a B6N torpedo bomber, which forced the carrier to carry additional aircraft. The new aircraft carrier Taihō had room for only 53 aircraft, but had a much larger flight deck and elevators, which allowed for larger and heavier aircraft. In mid-1941, the technical department of the Imperial Navy (Kaigun Koku Hombu) handed over to the Aichi Works the requirements for a new universal bomber that was to operate from aircraft carriers. The requirements were as follows:
- A load of bombs of two 250 kg bombs or six 60 kg bombs in a compartment or on board the aircraft
- The armament was to consist of two 20mm cannons and one machine gun for self-defense
- Maximum speed of at least 550 km/h
- Nominal flight range 1800 km, maximum - 3300 km
- The maneuverability was supposed to be similar to the Mitsubishi A6M
- The aircraft was to be powered by a Nakajima NK9A (Homare 11) engine
The project was given the factory designation AM-23, the project manager was Orio Ozaka together with his assistants Morishige Mori and Yasushiro Ozawa. The work went very smoothly, so in May 1942 the first prototype was ready. During the tests, there were frequent problems with the Nakajima NK9A (Homare 11) engine, but when the engine worked, the plane became a deadly machine. In order to correct the shortcomings and solve the engine problem, an additional 8 aircraft in the B7A1 version were built. In 1944, the Nakajima NK9C (Homare 12) engine was created, which allowed the development of the B7A2 aircraft, which no longer had the problems of its predecessor.
Aichi B7A1 Photos

Art Aichi B7A1

Construction description
The aircraft is structurally very similar to the B7A2 that is already in War Thunder. The differences in the B7A1 compared to the B7A2 are:
- The aircraft is powered by Nakajima NK9A (Homare 11) engine instead of Nakajima NK9C (Homare 12)
- Rear wheel of landing gear is retractable
- The defensive armament consisted of a Type 1 caliber machine gun.
Technical sketches

General characteristics
- Crew: 2
- Length: 11,47 m
- Wingspan: 14,4 m
- Height: 3,97 m
- Wing area: 35,40 m2
- Empty weight: 3,150 kg kg
- Gross weight: 4,942 kg kg
- Powerplant: 1 × Nakajima NK9A Homare 11 air-cooled radial piston engine with a take-off power of 1,324 kW (1,800 hp)
- Propellers: 4-bladed constant-speed propeller, 3.45 m diameter
- Maximum speed: 563 km/h
- Cruise Speed: 370 km/h
- Range: 1850 km
- Service ceiling: 11,250 m
- Time to altitude: 7 min 30 s to 4000 m
- Wing loading: 139,2 kg/m2
- Guns:
- 2 x 20mm Type 99 Type 4 Fixed Wing Cannons (125/250 shells per gun)
- 1 x Type 1 7.7mm movable machine gun
- Bombs:
- 4 x 30/60 kg bombs under the wings
- 6 x 60 kg bombs in the bomb bay
- 2 x 250 kg bombs in the bomb bay
- 1 x 500 kg bomb in the bomb bay
- 1 x 800 kg bomb in the bomb bay
- 1 x Type 91 Aerial Torpedo
The Aichi B7A1 would be a very interesting aircraft for Japan in War Thunder. Thanks to its low wing load, the B7A1 would be a very maneuverable bomber, which thanks to its armament is great for intercepting enemy aircraft. In addition, the B7A1 has quite a large arsenal that can be used to combat vehicles, which is very necessary for Japan. I encourage you to discuss in the comments and to share your own knowledge on this topic.
Finally, I apologize for the linguistic and logical errors because unfortunately English is not my main language and I had to use google translator.
流星 (航空機) - Wikipedia
Aichi B7A - Wikipedia
Aichi B7A Ryusei (Shooting Star) (combinedfleet.com)
九九式二〇ミリ機銃 - Wikipedia
Aichi B7A Ryusei (Grace), WW II Torpedo Bomber and Dive Bomber (skytamer.com)
Aiči B7A1 11 Rjúsei [Grace] : Aiči (valka.cz)
Уголок неба ¦ Aichi B7A Ryusei (airwar.ru)
Aichi B7A Ryusei (Grace) Carrierborne Torpedo Bomber / Dive Bomber Aircraft (militaryfactory.com)
Aichi B7A Ryusei / Grace - torpedo-bomber (aviastar.org)
Use DEEPL its usually better for translation purposes. Besides that, only a rear 7.7? gonna guess it didn’t specify or you aren’t sure what the rear armament is.
Only a 7.7 is correct, it was changed to a 13.2 in the B7A2
The Japanese installed a 7.7 mm Type 1 machine gun in the B7A1. Only then did they decide that this weapon would be insufficient, so they replaced it with a 13.2 mm machine gun.
We have the TT B7A2 - and the event version of it.
Both are excellent planes and extremely strong turn fighters.
I see no benefit for this version. The 7.7mm in the back is not enough to lower the BR, the lower ammo count for the 20mm might justify a BR step lower - but then it would be most likely to get rank II - so useless for tasks…
It would make much more sense if you could do some research regarding the foreseen and actual firing angles for the defensive gun in the already existing B7A2s - imho the field of fire implemented in wt is compared to the D4Y3 (which offers a way too large field of fire) way too small.
Besides that - very nice suggestion, good work!
For me, every vehicle is interesting, so I make suggestions about it.
It’s more to fill gaps.
If you look at another tree some of the vehicles in them are underutilized but at least exist. A prime example is both 3.7cm Stuka’s
Japan on the other hand lacks a lot of vehicles, despite it looking like it has a lot in reality it is one of, the poorest nations in the game right now as ground and air lack versatility. It’s often why folks don’t do CAS for Japan and its simply because there aren’t a lot of good options, Sure you have aircraft such as the B5s, B6s, and B7s, which do wonders and if you are skilled and manage to use the D4Y’s however there isn’t necessarily a true ground support aircraft in the game despite being a lot of options and the farther you go down the BR bracket or even looking at just the earlier BR’s there’s little to nothing.
Even though the B7A1 is a “worse” in the lightest of the term. Than its successor the B7A2’s. It would certainly fill a somewhat empty gap at the lower BR. Can’t say the same for other lines in the tree->Staring at you Twin Engines.
Not strong reasoning. He’s asking a genuine question, and a question of the sort always demands a proper response and never “just cause i can”.
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In each suggestion I include the phrase “a very interesting vehicle for Japan”, so it is included in this suggestion as well
That’s still not a strong counter argument. Yes, it’s interesting but that has nothing to do with why it should be added. What I wrote was a good counter-argument, not a perfect one but still the crucial info was.
In War Thunder you already have planes that are no different, for example the Ki-49-IIb. And the B7A1 has, apart from different defensive armament, also a different engine (you probably haven’t noticed), so it is a better addition than the late Ki-49-II.
Version differences collected from various sources. There’s not really a huge amount that WT would take in to account…
A1 -
NK9B Homare 11, 1800hp take off, 1440hp at 1800m, 1560hp at 6400m
Retractable tail wheel
Rear firing 7.92mm Type 1 MG
A2 -
NK9C Homare 12, 1800hp take off, 1670hp at 2400m, 1560hp at 6550m
Fixed tail wheel
Rear firing 13mmm Type 2 MG
In addition the wing structure and cowling/exhaust were redesigned between the versions to increase structural strength, reduce weight (by?) and drag and improve engine cooling. The result of the changes gave the A2 a small boost in performance at low-medium altitudes. And there is of course the difference in defensive armament (and possibly more 20mm ammo in the A2).
So decent amount of changes Irl but is this enough to justify bringing forward it’s inclusion in the game? If it received a lower BR of 3.3 I suspect the P1Y1 would become obsolete, and if retained at 3.7 it wouldn’t be anything more than an research step to eat your rp/sl before moving on to the definitive A2.
Imo it would be better served as a premium at 3.7 than a tree vehicle with the slightly worse performance balancing out the extra earnings. As a tree vehicle I would rather leave it for the future when the major BR decompression happens and new gaps open up (well we can dream!).
Of course the B7A1 could come with its attractive but eye watering Orange scheme with black cowling…worth it just for that,?,
imo this would be a good premium plane, considering that we already have the P1Y and D4Y series preceding it.
I see a B7A, and I must give it my +1… now to go find a model of it and build it.
The Ki–49 is a medium to long-range bomber and the B7A1 is a Navy’s Naval Bomber Aircraft.
They are completely different and serve completely different roles. One is capable of dive bombing the other is not.
So once again, why should the B7A1 come to the game? what qualities does it bring to the table that the B5s, B6s, or B7A2 don’t already contribute to?
This means nothing you killjoy, they could be space rockets, but both late Ki-49 are still same aircraft gameplay wise.