Ai cargo ships and carriers are just called 'ship' by the captain, why not to add words for them so that they can differentiate between them just like they do with player ships?

Basically every Ai ship is just called ship by the captain instead of saying destroyer, cruiser, aircraft carrier, cargo ship, etc.

Aircraft Carrier - English
Avianosets - Russian
Flugzeugträger - German
Portaerei - Italian
Porte-avions - French
Portaaviones - Spanish
Porta-aviões - Portuguese
Hangarfartyg - Swedish
Lentotukialus - Finnish
Kūbo - Japanese
Hángkōngmǔjiàn - Chinese
Vimaan Vaahak - Hindi

Cargo Ship - English
Gruzovoye Sudno - Russian
Frachtschiff - German
Kamotsusen - Japanese
Huòchuán - Chinese
Bharvahak Pota/Maalvahak Jahaz - Hindi

These are all the correct translations I can find.

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No, I think its Chinese name should be"航空母舰"and"货船"

I think he means how it pronounced in latin characters

For carriers the voice lines are already present in the game. But the issues is that these voice lines are fully dependant on the ingame clasification (that you can see on statcard) which is used to differentiate all kinds of ships for different purposes like spawns or the voice lines. But these AI ships aren´t actually fully modeled and in game just have “ship” tag since “carrier” tag doesn´t exist yet. So game calls the ships.