AGS to get M900?

Honestly, after using the AGS for a while in my 12.0 lineup, which doesn’t make that much of a difference compared to using it directly at 11.3, it has some issues with its current round regarding disabling breeches. It doesn’t struggle when taking out vehicles with the slightest angle on them, however, the same cannot be said when presented head-on to enemies. When facing a vehicle head-on, and wanting to disable their breech to take advantage of the AGS’s quick reload, the weak M833 struggles to do any damage.

Sure, yes, this vehicle is meant to be a “flanking” vehicle, however, it works well when it can find a position where only its gun is exposed. However, sometimes, your enemies also only have their turret exposed, thus your position being equally useless against them as your enemy is against you. Unfortunately with how big of gaps between the effectiveness of American 105 darts, M900 is the only option to boost performance.

I would like to see what the forums think about it. This light tank is pretty useful and lethal however there are plenty of opportunities where it just can’t do anything.


When its hull down with only the turret is showing it is OP as hell since it is unmanned lol


That’s missing the point, you have to have the right angles on the enemy tank to do anything to them. If you’ve got the wrong angle on them, IE no side shots or nothing against a Russian lower plate then your shots are just about as ineffective on the enemy as the enemies’ shots are on you.

It would probably have to go up to 11.7 or 12.0 if you want the M900 which I’m sure you’re fine with.

It’s already pretty high as it stands.

Yes but m900 at 11.3 for the AGS would be too good.

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I’ve learned not to trade fire with a hull down AGS as it can disable me more easily but my shot just went through the turret dealing 0 damage, and HE has low velocity it will often dodge the bullet from just reversing back to cover, facing this thing is extremely annoying, it mostly disabled my TURMS-T or T-80B with one hit via breech/barrel or tracks, the presence alone already enough to halt the enemy from advancing, because we don’t know if this thing hiding behind the hill decided to pop out and start shooting at us and we cannot do anything about the unmanned turret lol

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The AGS can’t use the M900 round. Only the Abrams and later the M1128 MGS can use it. M900 didn’t even exist at the time the AGS was around.


This is stupid reasoning. Considering that the AGS didn’t get sent to service it makes this document irrelevant. They’re the same guns (M68A1), and if the AGS was accepted into service it would’ve been allowed to run the round.

You’re probably one of those people who would go out of your way to find historical documentation that says something like “the T95E1 rotates at 23°” instead of keeping your mouth shut and letting people enjoy things.

Besides, honestly saying that something has a “historical restriction” is stupid. We have stuff like the R2Y2s which didn’t even exist in jet form. Or the Ho-Ri, which never existed outside of blueprints

M900 can only be fired from the M1, it does not get any clearer than an official US munitions document stating as such. If you don’t like it, go play WoT or something I guess.

It is also authorized for the M8 AGS, or XM8 as it is labeled in-game. It’s the shell it should be using


ah yes… unmanned HE/HEAT catcher

M900 is not only historical, but a long overdue addition for this vehicle. In one set of BR changes, this thing jumped up 2 steps in BR and only receive a marginally better round. It needs the M900 which it should had to start with, and if it needs to go up one final step then so be it.


It’s not historical. And as a showed earlier, it’s not even possible. It would destroy the recoil mechanism.

Ain’t hitting it if he aware of you, only works for stealth kill, also it moving an inch means you are missing your shot lol

M900A1 should be usable by any M68A1 and M35 105mm, it was issued to USMC M60A1s in Desert Storm. As far as I’m aware M900 never saw the light of day and only M900A1 did. Also usable by the M8/XM8 as mentioned earlier. It should be usable by the AGS but theoretically outside its timeline since by the time the round entered service the XM8 was being developed over the AGS.



That manless turret is glowing like christmas tree on thermals and modern MBTs have pin point accuracy at ranges like WT map, so it’s not hard to spot AGS and lob an HE towards it, but of course you need to reload APFSDS to HE/HEAT

Abrams SEP V2 is easier one to hit lol because they don’t even know it’s popping out, I find AGS one very hard to hit if they keep moving. Another victim that doesn’t know they are expose is the PUMA’s MUSS sensor, it’s definitely a 🎄 and it produce Chinese new year’s fireworks if you managed to hit it with apfsds

AGS with M900 should go to 11.7 at least considering it would be a direct competitor to Centauro and 90120.


Even if that was the case russian vehicles have rounds that dont fit in their auto loaders.